In my defence.
I totally agree with you that we have had members with a lot of experience that have been banned.
I do not understand what you are talking about calling me quick to issue the ban stick. We have only banned a couple people and those members who got banned, were banned from their actions alone. The decision to ban those members was NOT taken lightly or quickly. I believe it took three warnings and a couple weeks before they were booted. Then (if I know what member you are talking about) they violated their ban by coming on here with a new user name and caused more issues before their ban period was up.
I realize we are not perfect. I know of an instance where another member was banned, however, in this unfortunate situation, the mod realized what they had done and removed themselves from this site. I think that speaks to the quality of character we have of the people on here.
How dare you say that I will ban you! I appreciate that you took the time to come on here and voice your opinion. I'm not saying that you are wrong with what you have said, but if someone says something about this forum that I disagree with, that is something I have to listen to and address as somewhere that person got that impression. Despite what I think, it is a totally valid opinion and something I have to consider as others may be thinking the same thing.
I do not understand why you are attacking the forum, myself, or our members. I assume you are a friend of the banned member and are disappointed about him not being on the forum? I am sorry for that but I did not ban him "just because".
Lastly, if people come on here just to laugh at the mistakes of others and not offer constructive advise, that is fine. Those are people that I don't want on here. However, if they wish to come on here to share their knowledge and act within the rules set out by the forum, they are more than welcome. You are welcome here. Just voice your opinion or thoughts in a constructive, respectful way and respect will be shown back.