Chicken question.jpeg
This is one for a careful craftsperson: making the instrument looks tricky. Do wait until the end. You’ll be surprised by the tone and musicianship. Also, look where this was performed: in the Sydney Opera House. It’s serious business that’s fun.

This was performed at the Sydney Opera House.
Wait 'til you hear the sound that comes out of it!

An assistant to Donald Trump told him she
had a fantastic dream last night. There was
a huge parade down Pennsylvania
Avenue celebrating Trump.

Millions lined the parade route, cheering
when the President went past. Bands were
playing; children were throwing confetti into
the air; there were balloons everywhere.

It was absolutely the BIGGEST CELEBRATION
very impressed and said, "That's really great!
By the way, how did I look in your dream?
Was my hair okay?"

His assistant said,
... "I couldn't tell, the casket was closed."

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