Annual Oil change

My car is on the annual oil change plan. Or if the oil life monitor hit zero, I'd change it then as well.

I check my oil before every run and if it is dirty I even put in a new dipstick.:Biggrin:

Some of the most in depth discussions on here have centred around oil and changing it. Probably more difficult to change a mind set.

I checked the oil on my beater truck and it didn't show any oil on the dipstick. :o So, I just had a longer dipstick installed. Problem solved. :D
I'm pretty sure I waste at least one oil change each year.....Yes waste! I change my oil at the end of each year when tucking it away for the winter, and then it's also the first thing I do in the spring......I know, I know it's a waste, I already said that, Lol

Hmmm “waste” seems a bit strong of a word sir.
Now having an engine failure due to moisture buildup in the oil over the winter seems like a waste. I don’t know about your Corvette, but mine sits in an unheated garage and goes through the temperature swings for 6 months.
I want the engine sitting with new oil in it and fresh oil in the engine again come spring.
Overkill.. maybe. Waste.. not a chance.

Let’s go with the word “pamper”. :Biggrin:
And survey says..... Corvette owners will buy the $ 250.00 per jug 32,000 km oil because it must be better.... and then we will still change it at 5000 km.... just in case.... :Banghead:

Love it.... sad but true. Im guilty with all my cars.... my New Years resolution should be to do them at 7000km. On the Corvette I wont have that problem, first two yrs of oil changes are scheduled and paid for by G.M. ...... gonna sneak in a bit before the scheduled dates anyway.
Love it.... sad but true. Im guilty with all my cars.... my New Years resolution should be to do them at 7000km. On the Corvette I wont have that problem, first two yrs of oil changes are scheduled and paid for by G.M. ...... gonna sneak in a bit before the scheduled dates anyway.

Paul the fine print, as explained to me is... They will give you up to 3 oil changes or 2 years what ever comes first.
I find my oil life meters on all 3 Z06s I’ve had drops fast so doing a couple a year is what I’ve found with maybe average 3000km.
A fresh one in the spring I can’t put the car away with 40% oil life.
Of course the first year for your new car will eat up the one free oil change on the break in one.

I don’t put on a great deal of Kms but in the 3 Corvettes I’ve had... I’ve paid for 2 oil changes so far. Of course they get traded with less than 10k kms on them.

The magic for oil changes is very much a personal thing as we all have our own rituals. I think Corvettes and high end sports cars in general likely have the oils changed much more frequently than required just because we pay so damn much for the car and it becomes a matter of looking after the investment.
Also Mike and a few others put lots of Kms on their cars and service them as they see fit with no issues as the free oil changes are long gone for them.

How many of you guys have ever seen dirty black oil in a Corvette?
I would smile turn and walk away looking to buy a used Corvette that had extended kms between oil changes or the oil was black on the dip stick. That and a few other clues says as much about the selling owner as the car and how it was cared for in general.

That’s just me though....:)
Agreed Derek... Our oil tends to look the same coming out as it did going in.... lol.... My 2015 was four free changes..and they didn't care when or at what % I was at either... ..I'm sure of that as I used them all...unless they gave me an extra free one just because I just look so damn good.... :rolleyes:. .....Last free one was in September and put 600 km on before hibernation... so.... No.... I'm guilty.... It didn't get another change before it went to sleep... lol... And it won't get fresh oil in the spring either.... As anal as I am, I will not change 600 km used oil.... :p
Agreed Derek... Our oil tends to look the same coming out as it did going in.... lol.... My 2015 was four free changes..and they didn't care when or at what % I was at either... ..I'm sure of that as I used them all...unless they gave me an extra free one just because I just look so damn good.... :rolleyes:. .....Last free one was in September and put 600 km on before hibernation... so.... No.... I'm guilty.... It didn't get another change before it went to sleep... lol... And it won't get fresh oil in the spring either.... As anal as I am, I will not change 600 km used oil.... :p

Eric here is a perfect example of a guy with his own rituals for your own reasons. Your car is in its climate controlled Corvette/Man cave so it makes no sense to change out fresh oil in the spring to me either.
While my car sits in an unheated non Corvette/ mancave garage exposed to temperature swings through the winter. I chose to change the oil in case of moisture contamination. I’ve heard lots of guys say that moisture will be flashed off in minutes and with good synthetic oil it’s not a problem or even worth worrying about. Very likely true but I’m just funny that way. Once the new oil is in I forget it.
Being in the business I’m in and dealing with many warranty claims in massively capital costing systems. The attitude from suppliers is first find any details available to void the claim.

Although I have not heard GM has denied any engine failure warranty claims on the Z06. Not sure about the Stingray and Gs.
I read this somewhere recently in an article about the Z06 overheating issue.

For me $200 is good piece of mind. Especially with a new car.

I love this thread.

Derek, never really thought of moisture in the engine because of temperature swings in the un heated garage. Sure give me another reason not to sleep at night!

It does make sense that some moisture would collect in the oil but I am hoping that it does indeed burn off. I have always changed the oil at the start of the long winter nap and have not had any issues that I know of, with the car that is.
I'm pretty sure I waste at least one oil change each year.....Yes waste! I change my oil at the end of each year when tucking it away for the winter, and then it's also the first thing I do in the spring......I know, I know it's a waste, I already said that, Lol

What about just draining the oil in the Fall, and filling it up in Spring?

If I were to change my oil in the Fall, then change it in the Spring, I would empty it into a new pan and use the "old" oil for another vehicle. I was debating about doing this with my wife's Mustang as I change it every year no matter what the mileage and one year she put on less than 1500 km (Oil change interval is 7500 km). Then I would just put that oil in our Focus to actually get used. :D
Derek, never really thought of moisture in the engine because of temperature swings in the un heated garage. Sure give me another reason not to sleep at night!

It does make sense that some moisture would collect in the oil but I am hoping that it does indeed burn off. I have always changed the oil at the start of the long winter nap and have not had any issues that I know of, with the car that is.

Ya like I mentioned it’s not a thing to worry about but just one of my little piece of mind rituals. The proof is under your hood. :thumbs:
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