Had some good articles in the Montreal Gazette this past spring on winter driving in an EV.
The batteries, or any battery, does not have all it's juice available in cold weather. So a trip from Montreal required a "fill-up" around half way to make sure they could get to Mt Orford, approx. 150K at the most. While "tanking" up people were coming up to ask if they were almost finished with the plug so that they could plug in. So if your not first to the plug you may be there for a long time. If there is a line-up at a gas station you can change stations or drive a little further down the road to the next exit. Unless you are driving over the top of Lake Superior on the way to MITM. Then you better maintain a fairly full tank.
No doubt time will make for improvements. Don't think they will ever get it down to a 5 minute recharge though.
Son was telling me about a Tesla (extreme) at the local strip, probably St. Pie. It beat every thing there. There were just a few that were catching up towards the end of the quarter mile. No doubt that EV's can have it together. Just no gut feeling or rumble in the air.
Good for everyday city driving and short local runs. I'll keep my Vette for now. Still turns heads - but then maybe they are looking at me! LOL