Okay you wanna talk apples to apples total CDN cost of 5VM

5695 CDN

ACS Splitter 3809 CDN

ACS Rockers 4489 CDN

ACS Price 8298 CDN difference of 2603$ CDN before tax and shipping!!!

humm I wonder why those 12 guys who put in orders can't get their 5VM LPO they ordered ..but hey the nice people at ACS will sell it to you as they ordered 1 Car yet have 12 5VM packages in their loading dock.

I will add an addendum to this

If ACS made their own version of the 5VM option and sold it, that is awesome, and I would not complain about the cost as that was a product they created but this is not the case.

THAT'S A COMPLETE SCAM what is being put forward in this instance IMO!!!!
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This same business is also taking a huge risk because you dont have to buy it and now they got a bunch of nice lawn ornaments worth nothing. But what they do best is understanding human nature and know that you need to have it now and will pay a premium. Simple answer is be patient and wait a year when there will be more options.
but let the orders for each build be filled first before selling LPO parts off

No one is forcing anyone to buy the ground effects kit from them.
no I am not saying that I am saying fill the build orders first then sell the extra stock to whomever wants to but it don't tell people we can not fulfill your order due to shortages fill the builds through dealers first then after markets
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And ACS ordered these parts, likely LONG before GM announced they were pulling them from production.

So who's really at fault? ACS for selling them and making a small profit from it, or GM for shipping out a batch to ACS to sell retail?

If ACS wanted to, they could probably sell them for $10-15k a piece and people would still buy them.

They said there was a supply shortage not that they pulled them from production.

GM yes has a fault in this as well I agree...but the smugness of "we wanted one for our vehicle but we got lots and we are passing these along to our customers" has more slime to it that a bunch or worms in a bucket of snot.

Well I get intouch with GM and see what their thoughts are on this as I am a customer, and I do not agree with it.
They said there was a supply shortage not that they pulled them from production.

GM yes has a fault in this as well I agree...but the smugness of "we wanted one for our vehicle but we got lots and we are passing these along to our customers" has more slime to it that a bunch or worms in a bucket of snot.

Well I get intouch with GM and see what their thoughts are on this as I am a customer, and I do not agree with it.
I would be curious if they have a response. Of course if you're really unhappy about it you could always put your C8 on ebay. I heard there is some decent profit in it. 🤣
Yes EJ as an owner of a heavily laden (little play on words) factory carbon fibre C7 the OEM prices are very high compared to some aftermarket pieces of the same construction and design. (Have to be sure you are getting like for like though)
So traditionally one would go aftermarket to buy this stuff as it is literally half the price. Especially if you order separately from GM as you mentioned. Been down this road with 3 Z06s.
But in this case it’s the opposite. It’s truly unfortunate GM could not live up to their own hype with the carbon fibre trims because it is generally very good quality and warranty covered if on the original build. So despite the higher prices you know what you’re getting with some piece of mind.
Definitely savings are there traditionally with like for like aftermarket, but not in this case. I could truly understand the big price if they were manufacturing the pieces but they are just scalping them as pointed out above. We may not like it but the market is there. I expect all of us would be doing the same thing. After all it’s business not charity.
Yes :) not a charity (Joe Dirt Movie hahahah) but fulfill your builds before shipping out requests for parts from non GM shops....2 sides to the coin. I have a thought they ordered these through a GM dealership well knowing that they would slide under the radar...but GM should have also been on the ball to say hummm well there are 3 (hypothetical) C8s going there and only one ordered 5VM LPO but that dealership ordered 13? Hummmmmmmmm should we (GM) not fulfill all our requests at the build level 1st...then ship out parts, only after the all the orders we can do at the plant are exhausted then we will export to dealerships and shops ....CALL COLOMBO!!!!
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Buy low, sell high. Business is about making a profit, however there has to be some degree of ethics. I can't fault ACS for doing what they are, but keep the price reasonable. You don't want to piss off the customer. One bad experience and half the world will know about it.
Buy low, sell high. Business is about making a profit, however there has to be some degree of ethics. I can't fault ACS for doing what they are, but keep the price reasonable. You don't want to piss off the customer. One bad experience and half the world will know about it.
Well when line orders can't get filled on this LPO from the plant and on this the 1st day of deliveries and these guys post this that they have 12 extras above their 1 C8 order sorry that's just shameful... what was that word ???? Oh ya ethics :) As well I also hold GM accountable for allowing these to be shipped out prior to line orders being looked after 1st.

Definitely if you want to fork out the cash and have exactly what you want immediately. Totally understand that as I’ve done similar things. As long as it’s acceptable to not recover a $ of it on trade or resale there is no problem.
I expect many to wait a year and add the carbon fibre bits on for way way less money. Especially the guys who know they are only keeping the car a few years.
To each his own.
It is early in the "C8 game" and I'm thinking Exotic Car Gear will eventually have C8 options. They have parts made for all the exotics and are a "get what you pay for" Company that manufacturers the parts they sell. I just received a box full of C7 parts last fall - Real Carbon Fibre. Not to take away from ACS because it's an "apple/orange" comparison. If it's gonna cost a pile, that's when I consider the quality/construction of the part that I am buying. Consider calling them to see if they have any plans for C8 parts.

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Seeing the above pictured C8 has a lot of carbon flash accents to me the carbon fibre ground effects just adds another colour and to my eyes looks like too much is going on. I think the above pictured C8 would look nicer with carbon flash ground effects. Now if the all those carbon flash accents were carbon fibre, then the carbon fibre ground effects would look nicer. To me at least.
Seeing the above pictured C8 has a lot of carbon flash accents to me the carbon fibre ground effects just adds another colour and to my eyes looks like too much is going on. I think the above pictured C8 would look nicer with carbon flash ground effects. Now if the all those carbon flash accents were carbon fibre, then the carbon fibre ground effects would look nicer. To me at least.

Yes the combination of carbon flash and carbon fibre does not do it for me either. (think of the special “Carbon” edition C7s.) lots of carbon flash mixed with carbon fiber. Kind a joke to my eye.
Thus I got a car with as much factory carbon fibre as possible then replaced all the carbon flash stuff not available as an option with carbon fibre parts. Looks way better to me having everything in carbon fibre and I enjoy the car even more.
If I'm a scalping business that's great, I buy a whole bunch concert tickets as I can afford them, when the tickets go on sale then the concert sells out in 2 hours...I own 500 tickets then I sell them at a huge mark up....but I for myself only need 2 tickets...so I screw 498 people at face value tickets...That it total BS!
No that’s business......
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