I forgot to include a picture of the RSQ8 (will update my reply with it), damn fine looking machine, and decent cargo room to boot too, just too expensive for what it is. I totally agree here, and I think once we see this SUV in person, will look 10 times better than in that picture. Sadly, because it is a gas engine, they will not be able to get the hood down low enough in front, nor will they be able to rake the windshield enough and get the passenger compartment forward enough. I think we will be able to see more sporty designs once these trucks go full electric and having a frunk up there.
I am also convinced that there will be long wait lists for this thing when it comes out, those who want the look and feel of their C8 in the off season (I am one of them).
But here is the better news, FINALLY, for once, I can get a step ahead of the game, like some of you did with the C8 when it came out, and tell dealer #2, when they call me for my C8 allocation, to move my deposit onto the SUV list, and when they tell me they do not have one, will ask them to create one, and put me #1 on it

. I am starting to get to the conclusion that I don't need to spend more money to get an E-Ray or Z06 as I will never track the car, and instead should put some of that extra money on this machine !!