2023 Cullen allocation #'s

They've received 20, 2023 allocations thus far. I'm on there list as well and was there a few weeks ago to place my order. There Stingray and Z06 is just shy of 400 combined. I believe 220 plus Stingrays and 170+ Z06's. I've been on the list for over a year and I started at 116 and still probably 4 months out getting allocation. Hope this helps
I'm finding the same thing with Cullen. I've been on the list since July, and pretty much nothing but crickets from them. I emailed once back in February, and got a very vague answer. They are very quick to take your $$ for a deposit, I would have thought at least an update to everyone on the list a few times a year indicating on allocation progress? (i guess not)
Given that they are not too busy selling cars...since they say they don't have any I would have expected much more appreciation to those of us willing to part with 100K plus at their dealership. Certainly I can see the challenge in keeping 300 customers informed but once you hit 30 and lower I would have expected clear information. Some US dealerships who manage lists in the 1000s seem to keep it all together. Let's hope it is a short term issue now that Covid is over.
Given that they are not too busy selling cars...since they say they don't have any I would have expected much more appreciation to those of us willing to part with 100K plus at their dealership. Certainly I can see the challenge in keeping 300 customers informed but once you hit 30 and lower I would have expected clear information. Some US dealerships who manage lists in the 1000s seem to keep it all together. Let's hope it is a short term issue now that Covid is over.
appreciation for willingness to spend $100K? you must have never bought a new Mercedes or BMW before, as compared to them my buyers experience at Cullen was pure luxury.
Glad to hear you had a great experience at Cullens. I am not saying they are a bad dealership just that the list updates are sporadic and confusing at this point. And yes I have owned an M5, 944turbo and 911 before so I do have some car purchasing experience. But this is my first time being on a waiting list. Can I assume that they kept you informed of your position as you moved up the list?
Glad to hear you had a great experience at Cullens. I am not saying they are a bad dealership just that the list updates are sporadic and confusing at this point. And yes I have owned an M5, 944turbo and 911 before so I do have some car purchasing experience. But this is my first time being on a waiting list. Can I assume that they kept you informed of your position as you moved up the list?
hey, no they did not keep me informed but neither did they promise to keep me informed. They took my deposit June 2020 telling me I would probably get the car in May/June of 2021 without telling me the exact number on the list. In Dec 2020 I was asked to come in and pick my options. In April 2021 I was told the car was made and arrived last week of April 2021. Picked up the car May 4th, 2021.

Now just like you I have made multiple calls between June 2020 and May 2021 to get updates and didn't get enough info to satisfy me. So I used the info I did get, cross referenced with info given to others on this forum to follow along the process. At the end of the day I got the car, for the price that was promised exactly when I was promised.

I was satisfied so I ordered a Z06. Now where am I on the z06 list? I was told nothing when I got on the list, and was given a ball park number back in Oct 2021, and I haven't checked since.
Thanks for the detailed response. It sounds like we are having a similiar experience to a large degree. With Covid, constraints etc I am guessing it is even more difficult for them to make any projections and I certainly do not expect any though the initial discussions had the car arriving in March to May. That is not going to happen and I am ok with that. I have been cross referencing numbers as you did. It would be helpful if they could provide a better countdown but it sounds like that is a lot of wishful thinking on my part. lol

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