Aug 8, 2011
1975 L82
Hey gang, I have a line on a 1974 coupe for parts but mine is a 1975. Does anyone know if these parts are compatible? The guy only wants a hundred bucks for it but if I can't use any of the parts, its a waste...I appreciate any feedback on this...thanks
I don't know a lot about....well, a lot, or 74/75 Corvettes but I believe they are quite similar. The only difference I can spot off the top is the two piece rear on the 74 as opposed to the one piece on the 75....although not all 74's had two piece rears.
They atre very close to the same. Emblems are different. I believe the front bumper is different, although it looks the same. Early 74's had a two piece rear, but the one piece should fit. There are a few other differences in styling, however most the mechanical and structural is the same. And definatly for $100 it is worth it. Let me know how it works out for you. You may have a customer for some parts.

Thanks everyone for the replies. I checked it out again today and think I can use the mirrors, some chrome pieces, door locks and maybe seats so far. Looks like I already made my money back for sure. I don't need any of the body panels so if anyone is interested I'll be looking to unload the rest soon. Thanks again....
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