I believe Brian Finch's car may have been the first one built out of the original 15 allocations given out. They are a large volume dealership and were deserving of the allocation. It was delivered this week with VIN #148. I just heard another Z06 from the original 15 allocations has gone 3300 status this week and has a TPW of Jan 2nd 2023. This is the dealer where I am still on the list.
I went to see one of the Z06's delivered this week at another dealership where I am not on the Z06 list and it still looked and sounded amazing even though thousands of dollars of options were removed to get it through the constraints. I don't think anyone will be disappointed with this car if they can get one.
The second round of Canadian allocations that went to the big dealers to make up for the mistake with the initial round of 15 other than Brian Finch, have been given priority and those are the ones that are being delivered this week. Has anyone else seen a car at a dealership other than Finch, Taylor, Spencer's or Cullen's? WN is supposed to have one as well.