Interestingly this morning, although I haven't been out in my Corvette for weeks due to the persistent crappy weather (wet an cold), I was looking for my battery tender that came with the car with the thought of preparing it for long term storage. Gone are my chances of going out any more because we did get a light snowfall and as such I suspended my insurance coverage this past Friday.
I'm fortunate that I have a heated double car garage so really all I needed to do was connect the battery tender and add fuel stabilizer.
I was struggling with the battery tender cord issue and didn't even think about running the cord out of a partially lowered passenger window, but thanks to AxeZ06, I tried the trick of simply not fully closing the trunk lid and monitor the two trunk lights to see if in fact that they would go out as he stated.
Sure enough he was correct and both lights went out in under (5) minutes as stated.
I know many have said that you can simply run the cord with the hatch closed and although it is mentioned that this can be done with no harmful issues, I kept wondering if the trunk lid would retain a memory of that partial lift and then not fully close in the spring with the corner remaining ever so lightly elevated (paranoia ha ha).
Well thanks's my solution!