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Where are the Quebecois?

alors quoi de neuf ?
My six years of French was 55 years ago... I remember some but in Alberta, we don't have a lot of French conversation here papy.... So in English, not much new here. It is winter and I am waiting for spring sometime in May. ( C’est l’hiver et j’attends le printemps en mai.)
My six years of French was 55 years ago... I remember some but in Alberta, we don't have a lot of French conversation here papy.... So in English, not much new here. It is winter and I am waiting for spring sometime in May. ( C’est l’hiver et j’attends le printemps en mai.)
Pareil ici.
Je le plaque et espere de sortir pour le premiere mai
Sheesh Richard.... What did i Just say... My French sucks... lol... I caught reference to the first of May... That may be do-able for you in Quebec but here we are likely more towards the middle of May. But who knows.....
Hump day was Feb 1st for me Rruuff
Depending on weather (rain) it is coming out May 1st
I get my son to guide me out (and in) as it is fairly tight.
Tight enough that I have to close the side mirrors.
Lol... You seem optimistic Richard... I hope you are right in la belle province... We will still have 2 inches of sand on the roads here by May 1st... Sometimes even by May 31st... lol... I will wax my baby mid February in anticipation but i know from 10 years of Vettes that it will be really close to mid May... By the way, my name is Eric and you are welcome mto use it.... :thumbs:
Was I barking up the wrong tree Rruuff. LOL
I just figure if people put a nom de plume on a site that is what they want to use. All this privacy B.S. because of FB & Ggle I'll have to have a look in the car for the windshield card to "do not touch" It was either you or Spence that gave it to me I believe at the MITM Winnepeg 2017
The street cleaners are out mid April so usually my street will have had minimum two passes by the end of April.
After that it is slow rides over the usual back roads to see if there are still any heaves in the asphalt.
I noticed after the last reply that May 1st is a Sunday so i might be out May 2nd because of bureaucratic licensing procedure to take out of storage. We'll see when the time comes
Lol... You seem optimistic Richard... I hope you are right in la belle province... We will still have 2 inches of sand on the roads here by May 1st... Sometimes even by May 31st... lol... I will wax my baby mid February in anticipation but i know from 10 years of Vettes that it will be really close to mid May... By the way, my na
Lol... You seem optimistic Richard... I hope you are right in la belle province... We will still have 2 inches of sand on the roads here by May 1st... Sometimes even by May 31st... lol... I will wax my baby mid February in anticipation but i know from 10 years of Vettes that it will be really close to mid May... By the way, my name is Eric and you are welcome mto use it.... :thumbs:

me is Eric and you are welcome mto use it.... :thumbs:
Was I barking up the wrong tree Rruuff. LOL
I just figure if people put a nom de plume on a site that is what they want to use. All this privacy B.S. because of FB & Ggle I'll have to have a look in the car for the windshield card to "do not touch" It was either you or Spence that gave it to me I believe at the MITM Winnepeg 2017
The street cleaners are out mid April so usually my street will have had minimum two passes by the end of April.
After that it is slow rides over the usual back roads to see if there are still any heaves in the asphalt.
I noticed after the last reply that May 1st is a Sunday so i might be out May 2nd because of bureaucratic licensing procedure to take out of storage. We'll see when the time comes
Lol... The windshield card was me Richard... MITM was a highlight and given the opportunity, I would do that run again in a second.. Our street cleaners rarely are seen before May 15 as we can still see massive spring storms until then... But we can always hope for an earlier spring...
Lol... You seem optimistic Richard... I hope you are right in la belle province... We will still have 2 inches of sand on the roads here by May 1st... Sometimes even by May 31st... lol... I will wax my baby mid February in anticipation but i know from 10 years of Vettes that it will be really close to mid May... By the way, my name is Eric and you are welcome mto use it.... :thumbs:
... when you do the mid-feb wax, do you pull her outside and see if there is a shadow ... and then perhaps know for May?
... just asking for an underground friend :angelic:
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:Ack2:... when you do the mid-feb wax, do you pull her outside and see if there is a shadow ... and then perhaps know for May?
... just asking for an underground friend :angelic:
With the snow here on the farm, if I did that she would have to stay out the rest of the winter. Those PSS tires will get you stuck going downhill....
With the snow here on the farm, if I did that she would have to stay out the rest of the winter. Those PSS tires will get you stuck going downhill....
Underground friend says “yes, understood that the bad side would be that one might get stuck in the snow but on the good side, the spring melt might be sooner” 🙏🏻
… keep us posted … ⛄

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