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What would you guys do?

I guess it's different for others but a lot of people way too easily glossing over the fact that the dealer basically said give us your C8 otherwise you're not getting the one that you ordered and waited for.

They have no right to that C8.

As someone who is still waiting on their C8, as are so many others on this board, there's probably little to no empathy for someone having one with another on the way... but holding your new car on the condition that only they can get your old car is pretty gross.
I may be seeing this wrong. So perhaps a little clarity would be good. When you place the order, is that not the time that you come up with the trade in value, and either agree or decide not to trade in your car. The paper work would have been completed prior to the order. Am I assuming something incorrect? I see where some of the people in this forum gave up their car even before they received their order. If you are trying to just get more money because you are losing money on storage and refinancing is
I'd report the dealership to GM Canada.
Hey Can, you seem to have experience with trading in a C8. Did you not already have an agreement with the dealer upon ordering your new car? I am having a hard time believing that someone would order a car without taking care of the paperwork and money aspects. I read the earlier posts as trying to get more money after the fact due to paying for storage. He didn't even know what it was going to cost to payout the current loan.
Hey Can, you seem to have experience with trading in a C8. Did you not already have an agreement with the dealer upon ordering your new car? I am having a hard time believing that someone would order a car without taking care of the paperwork and money aspects. I read the earlier posts as trying to get more money after the fact due to paying for storage. He didn't even know what it was going to cost to payout the current loan.

Yes correct and I know others like Thom who also had an agreement as to what the trade value would be. This is why I believe "The Stealership" dangled the carrot of you'll get your money back if we let you order a new C8 and took advantage of him wanting a new car and not fully understanding the market for C8s.

I do think its good the OP walked away because he should find out total payout, capitalize on his tax credit on trade and receive a premium as the market still commands one where he could make some and his future dealership.
With long lead build times it is difficult for a dealer, or buyer for that matter, to determine what the trade in value will be at time of delivery/pickup. Usually it will be determined at trade in time. i.e when the new car arrives. In my case I traded in my car many months before delivery. Put it into the dealer's hands at that time. That trade in value will be applied to the new C8 when I pick it up. In my instance I lucked out. I traded in, and turned the car over to the dealer when used prices were high.
Yes correct and I know others like Thom who also had an agreement as to what the trade value would be. This is why I believe "The Stealership" dangled the carrot of you'll get your money back if we let you order a new C8 and took advantage of him wanting a new car and not fully understanding the market for C8s.

I do think its good the OP walked away because he should find out total payout, capitalize on his tax credit on trade and receive a premium as the market still commands one where he could make some and his future dealership.
Whether they "dangled the carrot" or not I have a hard time imagining someone not doing their due diligence and figuring things out prior to the order.
With long lead build times it is difficult for a dealer, or buyer for that matter, to determine what the trade in value will be at time of delivery/pickup. Usually it will be determined at trade in time. i.e when the new car arrives. In my case I traded in my car many months before delivery. Put it into the dealer's hands at that time. That trade in value will be applied to the new C8 when I pick it up. In my instance I lucked out. I traded in, and turned the car over to the dealer when used prices were high.
In my opinion you did it the right way. I saw many posts on this forum saying " I'm back in the C8 game" I'm still waiting for the coach to put me in! Lol
C8's are out there. Just gotta do the leg work. As someone said earlier, grab one even if it isn't exactly the way you would order it, then get an order in for your perfect car. Drive it for 24 months and trade it a good value on your preferred order. Except if your dream order is a ZO6, then all bets are off.
Hi to all,

Thank you for your answers! I will have to clarify a few things...
-When I picked up my coupe C8 in 2020, I put my name on the list for the Z06, E Ray, Grand Sport and Zora
-No paper work can be done at the time of the ordering of the second C8 HTC because the dealer didn't know when he will receive the car and he can't predict the value of my C8 but he never mention that I have to sell my C8 to him. He predicts that the C8 HTC will come during the winter or beginning of spring 2023 that's why I put I C8 coupe in storage and renew the loan in October 2022.
-Actually, I felt bad for the situation and I want to keep a good business relationship with that dealer even though I will loose $ in the transaction so I called them yesterday to tell them that finally I will take their offer until my C8 Z06 arrives but he told me that my car was sold already!
-After seeing the video on Youtube comparing the C8 Z06 vs Porsche GT3 vs Audi R10, I didn't feel too depressed after loosing my C8 HTC. Maybe it was a good thing to continue to drive my C8 coupe until the Z06 arrives which is at another level...
-@denis, thank you for your support but I can't give you the name of that dealer to report to GM...

Hi to all,

Thank you for your answers! I will have to clarify a few things...
-When I picked up my coupe C8 in 2020, I put my name on the list for the Z06, E Ray, Grand Sport and Zora
-No paper work can be done at the time of the ordering of the second C8 HTC because the dealer didn't know when he will receive the car and he can't predict the value of my C8 but he never mention that I have to sell my C8 to him. He predicts that the C8 HTC will come during the winter or beginning of spring 2023 that's why I put I C8 coupe in storage and renew the loan in October 2022.
-Actually, I felt bad for the situation and I want to keep a good business relationship with that dealer even though I will loose $ in the transaction so I called them yesterday to tell them that finally I will take their offer until my C8 Z06 arrives but he told me that my car was sold already!
-After seeing the video on Youtube comparing the C8 Z06 vs Porsche GT3 vs Audi R10, I didn't feel too depressed after loosing my C8 HTC. Maybe it was a good thing to continue to drive my C8 coupe until the Z06 arrives which is at another level...
-@denis, thank you for your support but I can't give you the name of that dealer to report to GM...

after what happened, you really think you will actually get a Z06 from this dealer?

I guarantee you, that if they actually get a z06 allocation, they will sell it to the highest bidder, so be prepared to pay $50K over MSRP if your turn ever comes up.

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