What gas stations to avoid?

Hi guys. I have yet to fill my tank for the first time, but it will need it soon. Thankfully I read in the manual to avoid ethanol above 15% (never knew that), so I was wondering what gas stations are safe to purchase from, and what ones I should avoid. I seem to recall that Mohawk does have ethanol in their gas, but I’m not positive. Costco seems to have the best prices, with premium hovering around $1.00/ liter.
Who cares what the cost is. I use and recommend Petro Can Premium. Their the only one I know that carries the highest Premium Gas that I know. And yes stay away from Ethanol specifically us here in Canada. I should mention my second choices would be SHELL premium only. 😃 Cheers 🥂😷
Kudos to Safeway in my area. Ethanol content clearly posted. 😁👍🏻
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We went for a blended Weekly and Christmastime grocery shop and once the Turkey and other yummy goodies got added we soon hit a grand total that rewarded a gas discount coupon that was good for up to 75 litres in a single fill. So I entered my discount code and ... WOW ... My 6.2l Sierra gets to think its a Corvette today at this Premium Price 😳👍🏻
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.... and I really tried hard to squeeze 75l into her 🤣
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What an awesome deal at Safeway
I am gonna watch for this in the Summer now
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Stop right now when I saw Safeway because of the Ethanol. I wouldn’t touch that staff. I gave my code to the guy ahead of me and drove away. 😳
Stop right now when I saw Safeway because of the Ethanol. I wouldn’t touch that staff. I gave my code to the guy ahead of me and drove away. 😳
unsure why to quote me to stop ...
My Safeway has no ethanol in the premium ... clearly marked without it too (cant say the same with the cheaper blends though) ... it is why I posted it and getting 15cents off after a monthly grocery shop - great savings in my opinion. I got my next savings coupon yesterday for my next fill 😃👍🏻

Sadly though the “pure gas” App I use is not capturing all the no-ethanol premium stations now - probably because the cheaper blends have ethanol.
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unsure why to quote me to stop ...
My Safeway has no ethanol in the premium ... clearly marked without it too (cant say the same with the cheaper blends though) ... it is why I posted it and getting 15cents off after a monthly grocery shop - great savings in my opinion. I got my next savings coupon yesterday for my next fill 😃👍🏻
As I mentioned before
Petro Canada first
Shell second
As I mentioned before
Petro Canada first
Shell second
If in YYC, the South Shell Flying J posts ethanol content on all blends ... the CO-OP just north of it is no ethanol though ... just saying as it does not appear to be as easy as looking for the Shell sign in this case (as I use Shell too) 👌🏻
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Try Petro Can. Higher premium than Shell. 🥂😷
Thx ... I’m good ... will do so if I have no ethanol free choice in my travels as .... I am old and can’t change that ... just prefer not to refuel at a place that exists by and begins with P.E.T. 😷 🥂
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I’m 72 and still drive a stick. I enjoy the feel of acceleration. Cheers 🥂😷
OK ... you got me on the first part of that 👍🏻
I’m just a stickler with the history from the mid/late 70’s & early 80’s with P.E.T. and remember our Gulf Stations changing over to P.E.T.ro Canada Stations ... 🤪 ... all buried in Suncor now who just moved from YYC to Texas ... 🤪 ...
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Who cares what the cost is. I use and recommend Petro Can Premium. Their the only one I know that carries the highest Premium Gas that I know. And yes stay away from Ethanol specifically us here in Canada. I should mention my second choices would be SHELL premium only. 😃 Cheers 🥂😷
You might want to do a little research if you are trying to avoid ethanol. It's common knowledge that Petro Canada has ethanol in all their grades. Google it.
You might want to do a little research if you are trying to avoid ethanol. It's common knowledge that Petro Canada has ethanol in all their grades. Google it.
You beat me to it, Rruuff! It's absolutely common knowledge that Petro Canada fuel has ethanol in all grades (including premium). Ask any performance shop that tunes vehicles and they will tell you to steer clear of PC fuel. It is much more prone to knock that the Shell equivalent octane (91), which also has the bonus of being ethanol free. I personally wouldn't consider PC a top tier fuel for any performance vehicle. Just my $0.02 ($0.05 by the time you add carbon tax)
Aircraft that use auto fuel test the fuel first.

To determine if ethanol is in the gas:
  • On a test tube or olive bottle six or seven inches long, make a permanent line about two inches from the bottom.
  • Fill with water to this line, then fill the tube to the top with gasoline.
  • Cover the tube, agitate it, and let it stand.
The ethanol and water will mix and separate out together. If the water level appears to have increased, the fuel contains ethanol and should not be used. Ethanol percentages of less than 5% can sometimes give a reading below the line. Therefore, any deviation in the water line indicates the presence of ethanol and should serve as a basis for rejecting the fuel.

... To determine if ethanol is in the gas ...

☝🏻... hmmm ... when adopting this super cool Corvette fuel stop ethanol testing technique ...
wondering how to keep the Millennial Helicopter School Mom with her 6 kids in the SUV at the other pump
from thinking an 🧨 IED 💥 is in the making and calling in Hazmat and the SWAT Team? 😂

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Interesting my car will "ping" on Shell 91 but not PC 94. I don't worry about running their gas but do not store the car with it. Canadian Tire has premium with no ethanol (advertised) but have not tried it in the Corvette.
You beat me to it, Rruuff! It's absolutely common knowledge that Petro Canada fuel has ethanol in all grades (including premium). Ask any performance shop that tunes vehicles and they will tell you to steer clear of PC fuel. It is much more prone to knock that the Shell equivalent octane (91), which also has the bonus of being ethanol free. I personally wouldn't consider PC a top tier fuel for any performance vehicle. Just my $0.02 ($0.05 by the time you add carbon tax)
Am I glad I have been using Shell for the longest time now. Thanks for the info. 👍👍👍
Interesting my car will "ping" on Shell 91 but not PC 94. I don't worry about running their gas but do not store the car with it. Canadian Tire has premium with no ethanol (advertised) but have not tried it in the Corvette.
Has your car always pinged with 91 octane Murray? There are lots of things that can make an engine ping, not limited to carbon build up, timing, air/fuel adjustments and/or a faulty knock sensor if it has one. The ECU, amongst doing other things, is designed to momentarily retard timing when it senses detonation occurring. Maybe you just need to find an empty stretch of highway somewhere and clean her out. ;)

Excerpt from your owners manual:
Gasoline Octane Use
Premium unleaded gasoline with a posted octane of 91 or higher for best performance. You may also use middle grade or regular unleaded gasoline rated at 87 octane or higher, but your vehicle’s acceleration may be slightly reduced. If the octane is less than 87, you may get a heavy knocking noise when you drive. If this occurs, use a gasoline rated at 87 octane or higher as soon as possible

Ethanol does have a much higher octane rating than gasoline. Canada bulk fuel facilities are mandated to use 15% ethanol (by volume) in our gasoline. Since 87 and 89 octane are by far the most used consumer gasoline, the companies that choose to still offer ethanol free 91 fuel add 5% ethanol to their low grade gasoline which achieves an octane of 87 and 10 % to achieve an octane of 87. That allows them to sell their premium 91 ethanol free. PC 94 is indeed a higher octane but they use ethanol to get it there. Smart of you not to store your car with ethanol fuel though. Almost all the fuel in the US now has ethanol and I would guess that in the future, Justin will close some loopholes and we will be in the same boat. E15 is also fast becoming the norm in a lot of Countries.

I'm tempted to start a Go Fund Me to raise a few billion, drill a well on my farm and build a gasoline processing plant. Ethanol free high octane just for Corvette owners. Shame we don't have a pipeline or I'd send you down some.... lol....
You might want to do a little research if you are trying to avoid ethanol. It's common knowledge that Petro Canada has ethanol in all their grades. Google it.
Now it’s gonna be Shell as my first. Will Google on Petro Can. So far the car runs great. Also I might have to check Mobil from Superstore. cheers 🥂😷
Has your car always pinged with 91 octane Murray? There are lots of things that can make an engine ping, not limited to carbon build up, timing, air/fuel adjustments and/or a faulty knock sensor if it has one. The ECU, amongst doing other things, is designed to momentarily retard timing when it senses detonation occurring. Maybe you just need to find an empty stretch of highway somewhere and clean her out. ;)

Excerpt from your owners manual:
Gasoline Octane Use
Premium unleaded gasoline with a posted octane of 91 or higher for best performance. You may also use middle grade or regular unleaded gasoline rated at 87 octane or higher, but your vehicle’s acceleration may be slightly reduced. If the octane is less than 87, you may get a heavy knocking noise when you drive. If this occurs, use a gasoline rated at 87 octane or higher as soon as possible

Ethanol does have a much higher octane rating than gasoline. Canada bulk fuel facilities are mandated to use 15% ethanol (by volume) in our gasoline. Since 87 and 89 octane are by far the most used consumer gasoline, the companies that choose to still offer ethanol free 91 fuel add 5% ethanol to their low grade gasoline which achieves an octane of 87 and 10 % to achieve an octane of 87. That allows them to sell their premium 91 ethanol free. PC 94 is indeed a higher octane but they use ethanol to get it there. Smart of you not to store your car with ethanol fuel though. Almost all the fuel in the US now has ethanol and I would guess that in the future, Justin will close some loopholes and we will be in the same boat. E15 is also fast becoming the norm in a lot of Countries.

I'm tempted to start a Go Fund Me to raise a few billion, drill a well on my farm and build a gasoline processing plant. Ethanol free high octane just for Corvette owners. Shame we don't have a pipeline or I'd send you down some.... lol....
Good idea I’ll start a pipeline going to your place !!! Lol
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