What gas stations to avoid?

I’ve used chevron 94 in my cars, including a 36 Ford with a flathead and 2 muscle cars, because there is no ethanol in it. I’ve heard co op gas is a cheap blend? I have never used stabil because I’ve heard sometimes it gels .
I’ve used chevron 94 in my cars, including a 36 Ford with a flathead and 2 muscle cars, because there is no ethanol in it. I’ve heard co op gas is a cheap blend? I have never used stabil because I’ve heard sometimes it gels .

First time I’ve heard that about Stabil. Do you have a reference to an article or thread on this? Not asking to be a dick but genuinely curious as many of use use it as a preferred stabilizer.
Shell V Power Nitro Plus - all the time - every time. Run it in all my toys for years. My theory is corn is for eating - not pushing my car down the road. For winter storage - tank filled to the top along with Sta-Bil fuel stabilizer - never any fuel related issues - ever. Tried, tested & true.

Also, have a collection of vintage top shelf Honda ATC trikes with OEM metal gas tanks. Inside of gas tanks are virgin clean with no rust - just like when new 30 plus years ago. Definitely do not want/need moisture collecting ethanol sitting in the tanks during winter storage. Not a speck of rust inside the tanks. For winter storage - Shell V Power Nitro with StaBil - run for 5 to 10 minutes before shut down/storage. Filled to the very top of tank to eliminate condensation. They all fire up on first or second kick in spring time. Ski boat gets the same treatment. Hell, my lawnmower & grass trimmer receives the storage treatment as well. For what it is worth - thought I would post.

Regards, BK3
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Shell V Power Nitro Plus - all the time - every time. Run it in all my toys. My theory is corn is for eating - not fuel (LOL). For winter storage - tank filled to the top along with Sta-Bil fuel stabilizer - never any fuel related issues - ever. Tried, tested & true.

Regards, BK3

All makes perfect sense for your car. 👍
According to the Shell web site they claim that their Shell V-Power nitro+ fuel contains no ethanol at any of their stations across Canada. Now that is a very significant claim because ethanol is blended at the pump from a separate tank. So it begs the question who checks and corrects a franchise operator from blending their premium fuel with ethanol when there may be a cost benefit/increased profit per litre from blending?
Where is a chemist when we need one?
Mobil, C

Nothing wrong with any of the top tier fuels out there. Mobil, Costco, Shell and PC. None of them have ethanol except maybe the pc 94. But like some have said, don’t store with ethanol as it gathers water. Probably not good even in a plastic tank.
Interesting de-rail but when I was in Brazil all those years ethanol was being pushed hard as well. They had specific agricultural sectors dedicated to growing the corn. (Think it was corn... my priorities were focused in other aspects of beautiful Brazil back then) 😉
At least we are still talking about fuel...
Mobil, C

Nothing wrong with any of the top tier fuels out there. Mobil, Costco, Shell and PC. None of them have ethanol except maybe the pc 94. But like some have said, don’t store with ethanol as it gathers water. Probably not good even in a plastic tank.

The modern Stabil checks that ethanol issue so I don’t worry at all and 3 vettes in have never had a problem. Lots of discussions on that.
However it’s whatever gives you piece of mind that matters so rock on. 👍
Interesting how this conversation pops up every once in a while. I think we have been through this a couple of times now. Although we are rightly concerned about the quality of fuel we use in our vehicles, the modern engine really has no relation to engines of the past with regards to fuel. If your engine has been designed to run with up to 10% ethanol then no harm should come of using it. The engine in my truck can use 85% ethanol supposedly with no harm, then should I be concerned with putting 100% gasoline in it? Anyway if you are truly questioning what you are getting from your favourite fuel station, then there is a relatively simple way to check.
  1. On a small bottle six or seven inches tall, make a permanent line about two inches from the bottom.
  2. Fill with water to this line, then fill to the top with fuel.
  3. Seal it close, agitate it, and let it stand for some time
The ethanol and water will mix and separate out together. If the water level appears to have increased, the fuel contains ethanol. Ethanol percentages of less than 5% can sometimes give a reading below the line. Therefore, any deviation in the water line indicates the presence of ethanol and should serve as a basis for rejecting the fuel.

From the website Petersen Aviation | Auto Fuel STC
Hi guys and gals a A few thoughts I generally go to petro Canada Use Ultra 94 ,and fill ,you’re going to get whatever is in the hose length from the pump ,it will be whatever the last person at that pump put in their ride , i’ve been told it would be under 2 L Not anal about this but it is a fact .I use Costco 91 in my Stihl leaf blowers and chainsaws use ,Costco 87 in my Toyota pickup and my Toyota Corolla they don’t care. I can’t imagine why anybody would want to use anything but 94 in their prized possession. Just my two cents OH, and the petrol points do add up !!
Hi guys and gals a A few thoughts I generally go to petro Canada Use Ultra 94 ,and fill ,you’re going to get whatever is in the hose length from the pump ,it will be whatever the last person at that pump put in their ride , i’ve been told it would be under 2 L Not anal about this but it is a fact .I use Costco 91 in my Stihl leaf blowers and chainsaws use ,Costco 87 in my Toyota pickup and my Toyota Corolla they don’t care. I can’t imagine why anybody would want to use anything but 94 in their prized possession. Just my two cents OH, and the petrol points do add up !!

Good point on the gas in the hose MrByll.... It's an 'each to their own' choice obviously... I avoid Petro Can 94 because of the ethanol but whether it actually affects my ride, I have no idea... just personal preference...
Hi guys and gals a A few thoughts I generally go to petro Canada Use Ultra 94 ,and fill ,you’re going to get whatever is in the hose length from the pump ,it will be whatever the last person at that pump put in their ride , i’ve been told it would be under 2 L Not anal about this but it is a fact .I use Costco 91 in my Stihl leaf blowers and chainsaws use ,Costco 87 in my Toyota pickup and my Toyota Corolla they don’t care. I can’t imagine why anybody would want to use anything but 94 in their prized possession. Just my two cents OH, and the petrol points do add up !!

Good point about the fuel left in the hose. So theoretically a person can wait for you (or some other person to fill the vette) then select 87 to fill a 2 litre can for the weed whacker and actually get 94 for the price of 87.
Yes putting quality fuel with a sufficient octane rating in our corvettes definitely needs consideration, while some of us are very specific about brand and ethanol, others just ensure it’s fuel rated high enough from a location with plenty of volume turnover to get relatively fresh fuel. However as much as I enjoy and care for my Z06... it’s far from my prize possession. 👍
Geez I never thought there was ethanol in 94 I was used to getting Sunoco 94 and I know there wasn’t any ethanol in it I just assumed petro can was doing the same thing Their website says I’m wrong One thing I do know the Vert and the Max sure like it
Am I wrong or is Sunoco out of business or did Petro can buy them ?
Getting to the OP's question about whether he should be concerned with ethanol in his fuel, what I do is use Sunoco 94 available at some Petro Canada stations (Old Sunoco stations) here in southern Ontario and has advertised up to 10% ethanol. High compression engines need high octane fuel. My 2011 ZR1 owners manual says use a minimum of 91 octane but recommends 93. Your car's fuel system is designed for up to 10% ethanol but what your owners manual does not tell you is if you store your car for 5 or 6 months of the winter the ethanol will separate and being slightly heavier than gasoline will settle to the bottom of the tank. When you start the car for the first time in the spring you'll be running on 100% ethanol for a short time. Will this hurt the engine? I've asked the experts and get differences of opinion. What I do is run the 94 all summer but try to make the last tank for storage Shell 91 with NO ethanol. ALL of my small engines get NON ethanol Shell 91 as over the years I've had the fuel systems on my lawnmower, pressure washer, weed whacker and others fuel systems deteriorate and leak badly. The only piece of equipment I have that states ethanol fuel up to 10% is ok is my new John Deere lawn tractor. If you don't have non ethanol fuel in your area use a fuel/ethanol stabilizer for small engines and car storage.
Not saying I'm right! Just what I do.
Kudos to Safeway in my area. Ethanol content clearly posted. 😁👍🏻

We went for a blended Weekly and Christmastime grocery shop and once the Turkey and other yummy goodies got added we soon hit a grand total that rewarded a gas discount coupon that was good for up to 75 litres in a single fill. So I entered my discount code and ... WOW ... My 6.2l Sierra gets to think its a Corvette today at this Premium Price 😳👍🏻

.... and I really tried hard to squeeze 75l into her 🤣
What an awesome deal at Safeway
I am gonna watch for this in the Summer now
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Unless you have a c7 please read the manual
I live in the West and there is a CTC near my home and on the 87 and 89 fuel there is a Ethanol added sign and on the 91 there is a sticker stating that there is No Ethanol. That is what I use in both my Corvette and 3.6 Ecoboost in my 2019 F150 which is not stock and I haven't had any issues at all. THe Corvette sat once for 2 years and I had no problem when I started it up.
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