What did I damage?

According to the Bulliten from GM braking hard will not fix it , follow the proper burnish procedure ...

1. The customer or technician should use theInstrument Cluster’s DIC performance menu’sfriction bubble that calls out longitudinal G forces todetermine braking forces. Use the Friction Bubblein the DIC display to determine the correctdeceleration rates. Apply the brakes 10 timesstarting at 100 km/h (60 mph) to 50 km/h (30 mph)while decelerating at 0.4g. This a medium brakeapplication. Drive for at least 0.5 km (0.3 mi)between applying the brakes.2. If further cleanup of the brake discs is needed,repeat this procedure with 0.7g applications.
The sound in the video is NOT normal rust chatter. even warped rotors don't sound like that.
I think it's something else, but we'll see once scraze66 gets it to the dealer.
Those rotors don't look bad enough to cause the noise you refer to. I would look for something else as well. Maybe a partially seized caliper piston... Vanguard has a good point. If you don't find it with a cursory inspection, bite the bullet and take it to the pros.
Someone just sent me this. This is what this person’s rotor looked like after he parked the car for 2 months. Had to replace all rotors and pads. I wonder how mine looks from behind.
They don't look bad enough to replace IMO! I've seen a lot worse that work fine.
Took it into GM. The rotors are free of rust but pad material came off and stuck onto the rotor when I initially moved it. Going to drive it for a week and see if it improves.
I was thinking that might have happened. That or a broken pad. Glad it's just that. It should improve, but it might take a while. You might need to get the rotor mildly turned.
The photo above clearly shows pad material stuck to rotor. Surprised the C8 pads are so wimpy and shatter.

They do not look bad enough to have needed replacing, so someone got hosed $$$, GM or the owner.

Hope that GM chiseled the pad material off your rotors or honed them.

lesson learned: Drive it, don't park it. At least in and out of the garage.

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