Congrats on your purchase, lots of summer fun ahead. There is not a lot available to do on the C7 or C8 unlike the earlier generations. You are off to a good start with YouTube. If you are on Facebook there are several sites dedicated to Corvettes. Personally I like "Simply Corvettes" and the C7 page and there is a new C8 page. This site we are now on is great for a Canadian slant and the big US based "Corvette Forum" is full of info. You might also want to check out the Ottawa area for a local Corvette club. Each club has its own personality. Some are focused on restoration of old cars, some are more social and some focus on weekend car shows. Also very important find a dealer who has some knowledge of Corvettes and has at least one Corvette tech. Your selling dealer may be the right one but don't use them just because you bought it there. If you want to learn how to drive your Corvette enroll in the Ron Fellows Performance Driving School outside of Las Vegas. They are sponsored by Corvette and GM gives a 66% discount for new Corvette purchasers bringing the cost of the 2-day course down to about $1200 US including accommodation and meals. Truly an outstanding two days of track driving and training. Don't worry about your skill level as they are excellent at putting everyone in a group appropriate for your skill level. Canadian dealers don't seem to promote this program and it is a shame. Just google the school name and phone them with your VIN and they will enroll you at a time that works for you. My wife is a bit of a gear head too and went along and sat in on all the classroom sessions and rode with the instructors on all the track times and for no extra charge. We made a fun week of it staying in Vegas for a few days prior to the program. Above all else READ YOUR OWNERS MANUAL. The Corvette manual is much more detailed than that of your daily driver and it has a lot of great information. Above all else, drive that beauty.
As this Thread was leading me more toward the garage and equipment ...
I strongly concur advocating the Corvette Owners School.
It is not just going to benefit driving a Corvette. Daily Driver Driving
has never been better with many of the skills you get to learn.
Two Certificates are on the wall and the "not his" and the "not hers" C7s
are in the Garage.
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There's a cig lighter type plug in the frunk on the C8. I assume it's for the battery tender.
That's what I told a husband & wife in Depew it was for anyway. He believed me. She gave me a wierd look.
Then when I told her that the white switch in the frunk is for 'escaping', in case of being locked in, she thought I was crazy.
That was after being asked if we (Canadians) are getting the right hand drive C8's "up here".

The trunk release is mandatory in all cars now in case little kids play and one of them puts his brother in and slams it shut. The handle has to glow so it can be seen in the dark.
The trunk release is mandatory in all cars now in case little kids play and one of them puts his brother in and slams it shut. The handle has to glow so it can be seen in the dark.
I knew that......but try explaining it to a pair of buffalonians who just returned from a 5 decade vacation on mars.
I knew that......but try explaining it to a pair of buffalonians who just returned from a 5 decade vacation on mars.
I went to a wild animal refuge one summer and there was a caretaker giving bananas to a moose and this woman exclaimed why are you giving bananas, she was pretty upset about that. The guide said well we presented some bananas to them and they love it, one of their favorite snack. You eat bananas too right? She was all butt hurt about that.:eek: I'm surprised she didn't call green peace.
I went to a wild animal refuge one summer and there was a caretaker giving bananas to a moose and this woman exclaimed why are you giving bananas, she was pretty upset about that. The guide said well we presented some bananas to them and they love it, one of their favorite snack. You eat bananas too right? She was all butt hurt about that.:eek: I'm surprised she didn't call green peace.

Now you've done it... Next fall I will be baiting moose with bananas....errrrr... Just to see if they like them of course.... :angelic:
Hey Folks,

As this will be my first time owning a Corvette, what basic things will I need in my garage to help me with my girl?

I have contacted a lad about an appoxy floor as I am thinking she would like a nice place to sleep when not being used hahahahah.

I am not a full on Gearhead but I can do some basic things was better with carbs and simple engines not rolling computers hahahah.

I am thinking I will need 1 or 2 good jacks I have a compressor with a 50' line and my Husky ratchet sets and a new California Car Duster.


Kev, another thought on your initial question. Don't focus on maintenance because there is none. I have not lifted a single wrench or socket to the C7. Think instead of the places you want to drive your new baby. Explore Google maps and do some advance planning. I try to get out every day and explore the back roads from eastern Ottawa to Hawkesbury. There is really nothing to do to the Corvette - I have had mine for 19 months and ... nothing. Get the oil changed when the DIC shows about 10%, except for the initial oil change at 800 kms. When the weather warms up in spring it is time for regular cleaning including detailing. My C7 will need a major spring clean up after riding the roads all winter. I joined the Capital Corvette Club but have yet to attend a meeting or event.

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