Good morning Colin, 427Carl,

Yep. Sucks to be me. I ended having to pay her $1000 a month for every month we were married. I do have very strong feelings on divorce laws and have since I took a farm law course when I was 20. It used to be referred to as the $100,000 sandwich. If you wife brings you out supper the courts will then take the position that you would not have been able to farm without her support. Doesn't matter if you were running a successful operation for years before you met her (I married at 37).

Prenups, cohabitation agreements, reviewed and signed by two different lawyers. Sadly the reality is that you have an equal chance of getting cancer and getting a divorce in your life (close to 50%) so lets not be nieve about this facet of life here.

So pay the lawyers a little now and go through a little grief with your partner now or have it get expensive and put through the wringer later on. I'm not making the same mistake again and my experiences are a bit less painful if it can save some others from the same pitfall.

Glad to hear you're taking the plunge 427Carl!

People would return tires months after they bought them? What? How does it take that long to determine if you like them or not???? You have had some odd customers I'd say.

I may feel differently but while I do have a Mild to Wild God do I love the rumble of the four pipes full time. Maybe my hearing is so damaged (and this is true) from so many years of operating older farm equipment without ear protection and an equal amount of listening to heavy metal music at 100% THD!!!!!! If I wanted stealth I'd drive a hybrid or something! I love my Z06and yes at the moment even the attention it gives me. It's nice to have people think highly of something, like a work of art on wheels maybe?

If you get to enjoy the Vararam this fall/early winter yet 427Carl, please let us know. Hey maybe our cars will be side by side at Manny's for a few hours! Become friends!


Good afternoon 7LCarl,

And around and around and around and around she goes!

Probably not a problem but BYOT please!

Starting to get visions in my head of the car arriving at Manny's place (DAsilva Motorsports that is, not Desilva Motorsports!).

I just can't wait for the new experience. I wish there was a virtual reality Z06 with mods helmet and chair you could buy................



I think that the car will be very happy with the company she will be keeping over the winter! Plus it will be nice to get exposure and introductions to some others in the family, verts, C5's etc. from the other owners in the area.

My biggest worry is how sometimes they don't want to leave their new friends. Parents take back seat to new friends and I could very well end up coming back alone.

But I also hope, like going to summer camp, while they are glad to be away from you and seeing and doing all kinds of new things they know where their home is and in time will be more than ready to return.

But to be sure, talk to her, hold her reassuringly and let her know that I miss her dearly and can't wait to be gazing into her HID eyes lovingly again................

I'm lonely for my girl tonight.


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