You easterners are killing

It's been a strange winter so far and to our advantage, thankfully......we all hope it continues and there's every indication that it will. Yahoooo.

We know others aren't so lucky but " 'vette" weather is almost here for us all so you guys shouldn't have to wait long.

If you'd like to come join in our good fortune we'll roll the red carpet out for ya...

Colin (yesterday I was in shorts on the patio tuning the mower! -- and sweating-- had to have 2 brewskies to recover. Life is tough):D
CCO, "tuning the mower!!! I looked at the snowblower taking up room in my garage......thought maybe I should take it out back to the storage shed........then decided to leave it where it sits as I'm probably not finished with it yet!!
CCO, "tuning the mower!!! I looked at the snowblower taking up room in my garage......thought maybe I should take it out back to the storage shed........then decided to leave it where it sits as I'm probably not finished with it yet!!

hahaha, tell me about the snowblower......Mine is taking up valuable space in my garage. Haven't used it much in recent years and sorely temped to sell it but as soon as I do that I'll get a '3 footer' in the driveway again and rue the day I sold it.:rolleyes:
Yeah old man winter has been real nice lately but could have a 'relapse'. Maybe I'd better not plan to use that 6'x4' spot and just leave it be.
That's something else I'd better get out this spring and tune up and change the oil. Altho not used much, I do keep it on the ready. JIC.
A shed would help with that issue I guess.

Some are so scared over this mild and snowless winter that they figure we'll get snow in August as payment for a mild winter!:eek: :rofl:

"OOOOOOOh" I've heard some say, "We'll pay for that!" ..


Hope you get lucky with the weather like we have.

Pardon the OT, Bishs, I hope you get a nice cruise in on the weekend.
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Manny has mine this morning for an oil change but for the rest of the weekend its going to be top down and revs up...I hope.
Let the season begin!!
I took mine out yesterday and today. The weather here in vancouver was AMAZING! saw a few other vette's as well. Now she's all clean and covered up waiting for next month! soon enough!
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