Jan 29, 2009
On planet Earth
Well, I now remember why I like this place here. Not only were we not allowed to discuss even another forum site, but heaven forbid that we should even be discrete and PM someone! It seems that Jersey Jerk and his femme-bots are so worried about their precious forum as to be the mind police for everyone. They sent me to "band camp" for life LMAO.

It boils down to money and them getting every penny they can from anyone. You can't even have more than 50 PM in your box unless you pay their blackmail money to their St-Jude fund. I got fed with their BS anyways.

Welcome home kids. I'm here to stay.
Well, I now remember why I like this place here. Not only were we not allowed to discuss even another forum site, but heaven forbid that we should even be discrete and PM someone! It seems that Jersey Jerk and his femme-bots are so worried about their precious forum as to be the mind police for everyone. They sent me to "band camp" for life LMAO.

It boils down to money and them getting every penny they can from anyone. You can't even have more than 50 PM in your box unless you pay their blackmail money to their St-Jude fund. I got fed with their BS anyways.

Welcome home kids. I'm here to stay.

Sorry to be repetitive but I saw Corrado's post first. I just e-mailed you the info with the man in charge over there. Go ahead and vent to him. If enough of us do it, Jackass Jay will be gone for good.
so here's something that I dont get... exactly HOW is the money that they apparently care so much about generated exactly...

I'm not in the forum business but their alleged actions seem none too logical???
Yes it is really ridiculous. Sorry to hear about your ban Mr Pierre.
They seem to think us 'lowly" Canadians are unimportant for some reason.

Why they even have a need to constantly moderate us is weird too. I don't know how many times we have to explain it to them tat most of us in the Canadian section actually know each other in the REAL WORLD. So if we talk about something once in a while that is not directly Corvette related, what is really the harm? If someone truly made an offensive or obscene post, I'm sure there would be someone who would 'report' the post.

Rules I can understand, but heavy handed over moderation and censorship is just ridiculous. And if they don't realize that we Canadians are Corvette lovers ready to spend money for modifications from FORUM VENDORS (Lord knows we all have spent LOTSA dough $$ on mods!) then they are just not that bright. So in the end, them banning us is hurting their own customers, the paying vendors.
The Mod at the other place likes to argue with people and act like he's always right. And he was stating some weird thing that "opinions", even about Corvette's, belong in the Off-Topic section. He was referring to people wondering how long the C6 will be built, and his answer was "fact", and everyone elses should be in the Off-Topic section because they were "opinions" lol.
Sorry to hear about you life long banishment Pierre. This must be the only time in their lives that they can be a somebody. The power has gone to their, We are the best in the world, heads. :swear: idiots
Talk to Less he is the expert at reappearing on the other forum.:canada:
Updates and other info

I have been exchanging emails with the Admin and Senior Management. I will say this, while being initially really upset to the point of losing my temper, they have acted fairly and professionally. I may still be banned for life and will stick to that decision as I don't believe in re-incarnation.

I do suggest this to all of my friends there - get familiar with the rules. We may not agree with all of them but that is what you hve to abide to if you wish to play in that arena. My mistake could have been avoided had I done so. This is not a mea culpa but just a caveate emptor.

So now we have to get more friends here to keep me company :)
No worries Mr.P lots pf friends here to keep you company:canada:

I think that I may just be leaving that forum all together :D
Simply put, I had sent PM's to my friends inviting them to join this forum. Like most people, I was not aware that this was a major no-no. Oh well, my bad. I still refuse to "re-incarnate" to rejoin as this is really against my principals.

Nice to know that even PM's (private messages) are monitored at CF.
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