
Casual User
Oct 1, 2016
2010 C6
Hey all,

Got the C6 out a few weeks ago, but this was the first semi-nice weekend in TO to really enjoy some seat time. I noticed my car was really noisy, which is something I did not notice last fall before storing for the winter season. Any way, I narrowed it down to the targa top and did a little research and came across this post on the US Corvette Forum.

Targa Top Creaking, Popping, Squeaking FIXED!! - CorvetteForum - Chevrolet Corvette Forum Discussion

After reviewing the forum post, I went to Canadian Tire today was picked up some dielctric grease & O rings. Followed the direction in the thread: Tightened up the posts on the Targa top, coated the weather striping and posts with the dielectric grease and added the little O-rings to the posts. Quiet as a mouse now :)

I searched the Canadian Forum and did not find a solution, so I thought I would share. This is likely something I will do annually going forward.

Thanks all
On my C6, I also went the dielectric grease route except I only put it on the posts where they inserted into the receiving slots, and also on the rear latch mechanism. I didn't use the grease on the weather stripping and elected to just use silicone lubricant on then. I didn't put on the extra O-rings although I had heard of that remedy as well. The grease and the silicon did the trick for me. Touch wood my C7 doesn't develop the same creaking ...
I think the trick is just to not let anybody talk about such a thing within earshot of your car. I've had my TA for 11 years with no squeaks or rattles, and drove my Corvette for four summers with nary a peep until a week after Tim got his Corvette and started talking about this issue. Now both cars make noise. Prick!
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So I just tried the o rings and dielectric grease routine. First I tried the 1/2"od 1/4"id but it was way to small and tore putting it on. So I went with the injector o rings and they fit perfect. I'll let you know the results tomorrow.
Help! Tried the o-ring trick and now it creaks worse than ever. What are the torx screws that people talk about tightening? I heard of four, but only see the two (one in each of the front levers) do you just tighten them so that they are snug in the open position? Thanks.
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