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SW Ontario > Used C8's 4 $ale

More power to him! He found a sucker with more money than brains! If he would be a little patient(maybe another 10-12 months) he could have bought it NEW, and had a bunch of money left over to use for other things( i.e.modifications, add-ons, maybe take his wife on a nice vacation)

Agreed...but he had a lot of suckers calling and that's the point. This isn't a one off... demand is certainly there and more than a few people willing to pay.

Some people have a lot of money and just don't care. If they are making millions a year, what's 20K extra to them?
... or $60K extra plus HST. There are car guys who have more money than we can appreciate. Money does not have the same value to them because they have so much of it. Given the factory shut down for an undetermined period (think months), he will get the $60K over MSRP. It is the age old equation about supply and demand.

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