Sorry all you people east of Vancouver..... (hehehe)

Well, it's enough whit the freezing temperature, I am leavingThursday to Florida until March 11. 7 days on a cruise and the rest at the condo. It will be great not to use the block heather for a while:D. Guess what? the wheather is suppose to warm up starting Friday, :mad: no chance this could happen 1 week before
It was so cold here I almost had to use the choke to start the lawn-mower!!

Sorry. I spent all day thinking that one up..!

We watch the news and you guys are getting pounded.

Stay huddled.


Had a friend who's furnace quit a few nights ago -- Big Trouble: Didn't get it going again for about 18 hours.:mad:

Here in southern ON we're gettin' pounded with cold. Last year it was snow.......this year cold -- freakin' Siberian cold. Real nasty and damned dangerous.
Hoping it lets up soon and spring is soon behind.

Feel bad for the poor folks on our east coast and New England.....That's a real pounding with record snow and now very cold.

Next step here is getting back on DST March 8th. That'll help some.


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