When I was group leader in the tool room at work, guys would come in wanting little government jobs done.....free of course and some were not little jobs either. My favourite line was to point out some guy in the tool room and say, "Go see him. He won't charge more that $20 for that." That got rid of 99% of them. Few actually ever offered money and that could come back to bite you too if you did accept so I never played that game. Unfortunately 99% spoil it for the 1%.
i have a policy to never loan anything with a motor on it. most of my neighbours are seasonal and view me as some sort of caretaker/go-to guy. when i bought my little backhoe i let it be known that - sure i can dig out a stump, move a rock etc. - for $50 an hour. the old saying goes - never loan your wife or your chain saw - they'll both come back f........ !!!
That is tooo funny, I would think though that depending on what or who we might lend out, the hourly charge would like go up:D
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