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"Save The Wave"

I'm a first time Corvette owner but I wave at any generation (although I have yet to see a C1, C2 or C3 since I started driving my C7).

Even when waving to the older gen's, I feel my wave is a lot more enthusiastic where I'm literally reaching out of my window and I usually just get a small wave back.

However once a C6 drove right past me while I was zoned out and I didn't wave or check to see if he waved either. Another time a C6Z waved at me out of his window and by the time I noticed I wasn't able to lower my window in time to wave back. The lighting was such that I doubt he saw my wave from inside my car.

Just a few examples of how when you don't receive a wave back it doesn't mean the other driver was snubbing you.
Figured this thread needed an example of "Savin the Wave" problem seeing the wave in a vert with the top down. I wave to all vette owners I notice and other nice cars as well.

We saw quite a few Corvettes when we were out the other day and I think everyone waved. There has been so little good driving weather that they are probably waving at everyone out of the sheer happiness of finally getting out on the open roads. All is well in the Omemee area as far as the wave is concerned.
I Have To Agree With You Keith .....

It Does Seem That The Save The Wave, Is Very Much Alive In Ontario ....

Went For A Little Cruise Sunday Morning From Hamilton To Windsor ...

And Every Corvette That We Passed Or Seen Gave The Wave ...

So To All Corvette Drivers ....

Wave Or Give The Thumb Up Or Even The Head Nod ....

To Keep This Grrrrreat Traditions Alive ....
I was out with my Mustang loving wife the other night and told her about the Corvette wave. She thought I was just making stuff up, and I said, nope. Ever since Corvette #1 and Corvette #2 rolled off the line, the wave was born. Well on that drive, we saw 5 Corvettes and not one of them waved! Shows what I know!

I'll get her though. She'll see the wave at some point this summer.

I am a newbie here - well, more like a recycled Vetteran with my Corvette passion seriously re-kindled after seeing a 2014 Corvette and ordering a 2015.:coolgleam:

I am DELIGHTED to know the wave is alive and well!

Quick story: In the mid 70s when I had my '71 LT1, bar none every Vette driver waved. For a couple of days, I had to have some service done and I was driving my old man's 66 Chevelle. I was driving long a busy street and a Corvette happened by and I waved. :seeya:. The guy must have thought I was crazed or I knew him or something waving from a cranky old Chevelle. I never realized until after [sigh].

Save the Wave!!!
Hahaha. Great story Vin.....but what do you mean by cranky old Chevelle?

LOL. By 'cranky' I mean it was the old man's car. It was a sedan, that ultramarine blue that became popular and had a 230 cu in. in-line 6 with an on-the-tree automatic slush that was 2 speed. I say that because I 'think' the more elaborate 3 speed was PRND2L as opposed to just PRNDL.

At any rate, all I know is when I tromped on the gas the 2 barrel carb would look back at me and say "Seriously?", turn back around in disgust and head for 0 to 60 in 6 to 7 minutes.

There were no badges like 396 or SS that's for sure.
In '69 I bought brand new, one of those cranky old Chevelles. The only emblems on it were Chevelle by Chevrolet on the front header and the deck lid. Unlike the new COPO Camaros these were understated......the way the new ones should have been done. GM can't get anything right any more. If they hadn't been allowed to slough off all their debt in 2008 and leave a lot of people and businesses hanging, they wouldn't even be around today. They couldn't even figure out that a new model, the 2014, might just sell quite a few more than had been sold for the last 4-5 years. Now you see the results. Lots of 2014 orders that can't be filled. Perhaps they might get their production rates adjusted up a little for 2015. The plant is capable of building 35k+ as they did in 2005. I worked in GM for 41 years and I just shake my head.
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