
You can buy it at Eshine in Port Colbourne ont. They are great to deal with.
Would someone suggest the best way to get Rejex off my (non vette) daily driver, In September I washed and clay bared the car then put it in the garage and put Rejex on it because it was a bit cool. It didn't haze very quickly so i put the Rejex on everywhere. Then I had a bad back muscle spasm and by the time I got relief and went back to the car the Rejex had hardened rock solid. Of course it wouldn't buff to a shine anymore , so have left it till now. When it rains as it does all winter here the water beads beautifully. But on those dry days it looks loke a mess.Have washed it but it doesn't want to budge. Don't know, might need warmer weather to help loosen it off. ( Yes I did put too much on it).
Did the Vette six month earlier and it turned out beautiful, and still has a wonderful luster.

I think Colin is on the right track with the machine polishers. My only other suggestion would be to contact Rejex themselves for some advice on how to remove the material.

Hopefully this will be simple process and you will end up with a shine seen from space.

Good luck.
As a last add on to the merits and love of the Rejex treatment on my Vette I conclude with this. The Vette is now put to bed since Oct 15th and has had only had one application of Rejex since May 2014, and has looked great for the year and a half with only the occasional spray of water and drying time, and has looked great throughout.

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