How many Vette owners used Rejex on their Vette, and how did they like it?

I use it (and thanks for the recommendation last year) and I love it.

I've heard so much good about it and that the aircraft industry uses it too.

It's not expensive ($20) and goes on and comes off easily and last a good amount of time.
Highly recommended.

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I used it on my Denali in Feb and it still shines like new.
Also I did "She who shall be obeyed's Cruze" and it is great also.
Sometime you get good advice about stuff, on the US Corvette Forum, when they are not being jerks.
I used it on my Denali in Feb and it still shines like new.
Also I did "She who shall be obeyed's Cruze" and it is great also.
Sometime you get good advice about stuff, on the US Corvette Forum, when they are not being jerks.

True about the US Forum. There are some decent people there but the bad ones ruin it for everyone and really drag it down.

Such a shame really -- they have so much potential.

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I do not understand why they are so rude and ignorant there
i have never had a bad reply on the CDN forum, and everyone is very helpful.
The Us forum reminds me of the old saying that the difference between a corvette owner and a porcupine is the pricks are on the outside.
I have made good Corvette owner friends from my area because of the forum.
I got real disinchanted with the US guys, I got banned for saying that the salesman from Kerbeck did not call me back They are a forum sponser..
I took 1 year to get back on, not that it is that important , but it was the principal of it.I wear my CDN forum tee shirt here in Fla proudly
I do not understand why they are so rude and ignorant there
i have never had a bad reply on the CDN forum, and everyone is very helpful.
The Us forum reminds me of the old saying that the difference between a corvette owner and a porcupine is the pricks are on the outside.
I have made good Corvette owner friends from my area because of the forum.
I got real disenchanted with the US guys, I got banned for saying that the salesman from Kerbeck did not call me back They are a forum sponsor..
I took 1 year to get back on, not that it is that important , but it was the principal of it.I wear my CDN forum tee shirt here in Fla proudly

Strange dealings for sure on that forum. I haven't joined and won't bother to. I just visit occasionally.

Glad to hear that you're wearing the t -- If you bump into any vette owners in your travels steer them our way will you.

most of the u.s. based forums seem to be the same. condescending attitudes and threads that quickly degenerate into personal feuds. i read them for their information but i don't want to participate in something that creates so many conflicts. i like it here just fine, it's just plain friendlier. will rejex make the racecar faster ? :D
Lot of kids and younger, up-and-coming, people in that group all wanting to make a name for themselves.
Quite a bit different from our group.

I'm sure we're the only bunch with a friendly 'mountain man' who owns a shark ... :rofl:

How many Vette owners used Rejex on their Vette, and how did they like it?

I've used it on the Vette and on my SUV. Great stuff. The SUV sits outdoors all year and the Rejex is still going strong after 6 months.

And yes the US forums are a sad place to visit.
Not a lot to do with Rejex but, on a Chevelle web site, one guy posted that I didn't have a clue as to what I was talking about. I don't know where he was coming from with that one. I just replied that I spent 41 years as a tool and die maker that also included some group leader and tool room foreman time. I mostly built our own house after the frame in stage, built our garage from the footings up, built our barn with a loft, restored two cars, raised three kids who are all successful, and stayed married for 42 years. Not bad for someone who has no clue. Never heard from the guy again. I don't need that crap either but he needed to be shot down. Perhaps more of them need the same treatment. Besides, I don't have to be reminded of what I already know. People who say "I KNOW'' worry me and that doesn't matter whether it is a parts counter guy or a doctor. I much prefer people who say, "I think it's this way or that." I know one thing for sure. I'm not absolutely sure of anything. Well maybe death and taxes are for sure. :(
Glad you guys enjoy this forum! :D The members here are awesome!

I have two bottles of rejex. I was planning on using it on my wheels when I have a chance and Zainoing the body of the car, however, my rejex got caught outside and froze. Does anyone know if it will still work?
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