Featured Race Ramps Rock!

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I did notice a little dirt on the control arm on the right rear but why ruin a guys days with something so small.:Biggrin:

You have no idea how much you just ruined his day.

I know a lot of guys who keep their car very clean but Ziggy's is immaculate. One of the nicest cleanest looking cars I have ever seen. There might be a cough touch cough of OCD in there eh Zig? :)
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Ziggy when you lower the back do you have to remove the front wheel chocks? From the pictures it looks, to me anyhow, that the rotation could jam the chocks agains the bodywork. Probably just the pict.

I did notice a little dirt on the control arm on the right rear but why ruin a guys days with something so small.:Biggrin:

Car(s) look incredible, well done. :thumbs: Impressed.

I raise the car in a couple of stages. It is driven on the front ramps fully, and the rear tires are driven on 3" trailer mate race ramps at the same time. This allows more clearance to get under the center rear frame easily with a floor jack. It is then raised the additional amount and the rear wheel cribs are installed. When lowering the same procedure is used in reverse.

By the way, I cleaned the dirt on that right rear control arm you mentioned. Lol
You have no idea how much you just ruined his day.

I know a lot of guys who keep their car very clean but Ziggy's is immaculate. One of the nicest cleanest looking cars I have ever seen. There might be a cough touch cough of OCD in there eh Zig? :)

Thanks for the kind words Randy. After growing up driving only beaters, it is sure a treat to drive a nice vehicle now. I do take pride in the things I work hard for, and yes, maybe a tiny touch of ocd. Lol
Nice Job! I also have Race Ramps and their wheel chocks here at my house In Tucson. Just drove GS down this week before the snow hit Calgary and I'll be doing an oil change soon. Thanks for the insight in getting the rear up in the air. I have a couple floor jacks here and was thinking of lifting from the side lifting points then using jack stands to hold the rear up but I'm a bit concerned that it would also lift the entire side of the car and take some weight off the front wheels while they are on the Race Ramps. Any insights you could provide on my planned method would be great.
Nice Job! I also have Race Ramps and their wheel chocks here at my house In Tucson. Just drove GS down this week before the snow hit Calgary and I'll be doing an oil change soon. Thanks for the insight in getting the rear up in the air. I have a couple floor jacks here and was thinking of lifting from the side lifting points then using jack stands to hold the rear up but I'm a bit concerned that it would also lift the entire side of the car and take some weight off the front wheels while they are on the Race Ramps. Any insights you could provide on my planned method would be great.

Review my last post above as per using a 3" lift under the rear tires to gain access to the rear centre crossmember lift points using a low profile floor jack.
Ziggy you seem very meticulous and keep your Vettes in nice shape, a man after my own heart. Congrats on a job well done.

Thank's Cruizin, I enjoy driving my vehicles and enjoy working on them as well. Why pay the GM Stealer when you can do most of the service yourself, and know the job is done right with some time and effort.
Thanks Ziggy - saw that and looking for alternative to more $$$ on race ramps. Wife thinks I have too much garage equipment at our vacation house already. :Banghead: It would be difficult to hide those items but I really like your setup. What I'd really like is a 4 post lift.. had a couple in the past and they had to go due to a couple downsizings.

Tucson Garage is still pretty nice :Cheers2:
Tucson Gar 3 2017 02 10.png

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