Planning on placing an order tomorrow for an HTC/Z51 - where do the CDs go in them?

OK, just kidding.
Still, we do have a lot of music CDs that will need a "home on the range".
I plan on adding a portable CD player with a USB connection on one end to let me play them through the audio system. Is this possible? Will it work? Anyone else try this?
As a (unrelated) follow up, does the Z51 upgraded suspension really make a difference? I'm talking the magnetic ride adjusting option. Does anyone have any experience driving these little beasts, with and without it?

so its been 3 days, have you ordered/got on the list for C8?

did you ask your dealer if you can get a hand crank starter option ;)
You guys sleigh me. Yes, I know the difference. :Funnypost:

Placed the order this afternoon, btw. :heavycar:
Multi-tasking has been difficult, but I'm getting caught up. :thumbs:
so its been 3 days, have you ordered/got on the list for C8?

did you ask your dealer if you can get a hand crank starter option ;)
I thought the hand crank was standard equipment on the Canadian units, for cold weather starts?
My local dealer gets fewer units allocated than the highr volume dealers.
That said, there's only 1 or 2 orders ahead of mine, and one of them was a "get a place in line" order that he thinks will drop out.
So I may see it by 2026........
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