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Photoshop Poster

Just a quick update, my friend and I are getting together next Monday to see if we can pull this together. He's the Photoshop wizard and I'm just along to make sure we get the cars lined up right!! They're all white right!! Maybe we can just hide them in the snow, and see who can pick them out. Anyway, keep your fingers crossed and we'll see what we can do.
Happy New Year guys and gals.
Well we gave it a go and I don't think results are not too bad for our first try.
Without the three of us using the same measurements it was hard to get the cars all lined together.
We tried pushing the back of the C4 around, but it just distorted the hood so bad it didn't look right. The images of the cars aren't cleaned up either, as we were just working to get them on the pallet first and then fix them later.
I think when we try again in the spring we'll use a tape measure to get them all the same angle and distance.
Here's the first try.

Thanks for looking.
Excellent, keep trying, to get all the series in one shot would be Great.

A Lot of work but worth it.....
Just got off the phone with my friend and here's some of the magic you can do with photo shop. Can't wait till spring and we get better pictures. Just thought about the copyright isues and thought I'd better take it down.
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Riley, this is going to bring a tear to your eyes. Just contacted a fellow named Steve who has two more of the Vettes we need to do a six C series poster. A 1964 coupe white with red and 1977 coupe white with red. Two beautiful Corvettes, Thanks Steve.
He may also be able to find us a C1 and he's going to ask around.
Here's the cars.

This poster is going to be something else if we can get the last car. Keep your finger crossed.
Great news. After searching just about all of North America, I found Ray a fellow Canadian with a 1958 C-1 Corvette.
Ray has agreed to let us use his Vette and we now have all six white with red cars for the poster.
I can hardly wait till spring to get this together and see the results.

Thanks Ray, for giving us the last and oldest Corvette.
Cars involved are 58,64,77,93,04,06. What a great lineup!!!
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