You will need to input your licence and agree to their terms and then you can start searching plates....even print your final ideas out like my Avatar.
When I applied for my plate in Alberta- they would not issue the plate until I submitted a short essay on the reason for ordering that particular plate- they did issue the plate after my submission. This was in Alberta
I have 5 Alberta personalize plates and never once had to submit an essay. I had to write the reason for picking what I picked. Did they tell you it had to be an essay, or are you just a creative writer?
When I applied for my plate in Alberta- they would not issue the plate until I submitted a short essay on the reason for ordering that particular plate- they did issue the plate after my submission. This was in Alberta
Wow, glad you passed that test ! Not sure why that would matter or why they should care. If there is an obvious reason for not issuing the plate under their guidelines you would think they could figure it out without your input. :swear:
Good one !! I imagine as more C7's come in it will be much tougher to buy plates like this one, all the C7 variations will be taken over the next couple of years.
Jumped and got the plates I wanted but two others I thought would be good were 2MCHPOWER (excellent for a Z06) and LESR EVL (my first name is Les). Wanted to get COPCHASR as I believed it truly provided a clear image of just how fast the Z06 is...but he wife trold me she would divorce me if I got that.
I have 5 Alberta personalize plates and never once had to submit an essay. I had to write the reason for picking what I picked. Did they tell you it had to be an essay, or are you just a creative writer?
My essay was short-lol just 2 sentences and all ended well.
My plate is 250 MPHR - I get a lot of comments at gas stations but I explain that the plate is mine, not the car's.
My essay was short-lol just 2 sentences and all ended well.
My plate is 250 MPHR - I get a lot of comments at gas stations but I explain that the plate is mine, not the car's.
I too had to write a short essay for my plate VINDIC8R. Worried they would censor my plate because one meaning of vindicator is to avenge or seek revenge, I explained I had loved the label since I was a kid. In 1965 a movie called The Rare Breed came out. Yeah, I am that old. It was a duster about a woman from overseas trying to make it in the cattle biz in the states. She brought with her her prized bull named Vindicator. Nothing more than that. And that's no bull.