Orange - What a colour!

iOS Image - 1006853373.jpg

It really pops on a sunny day.
Thanks John! I'm kinda tired of the Blk look of wheels and wanted something to pop that had concavity to them.
The more concave, the better for me! Unfortunately, I’m going to have to stick with the standard wheels for the first year or so.
There doesn't seem to be any middle ground on Orange Vettes. You either like them or you don't.
The week after I got my Sebring Orange C8, a friend stopped in to see it.
His first question was "why that colour" in a disapproving tone.
It's a good thing we don't all drive Red Vettes! Only 25% of us.
Had a prior co- worker suggest to me that he thought the Turquois metallic was a funny colour. I asked him what colour his vette was. He said well, I don't have one. I do like the orange ones as well. Black red or white just seems like following the crowd.
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