So last week I bought my wife a new Honda CR-V-L. They detailed it nicely and i had them wax it too at extra cost. So the other day I borrowed it to go to the beer store in town. Picked a nice open spot with no cars beside me. As I was getting out of the car this big white redneck truck pulls in beside me. I was dropping off some empties and spent maybe 15 minutes in the store while getting a case of beer. Come out and the redneck was gone but he left a nice big scuff mark on the from of my wife's new car. Clipped it on the drivers side bumper because he made to sharp of a turn leaving before me. That wasn't a fun drive home as I had to show my wife what happened to her new car. She wasn't mad at me but if she would have caught that redneck I'm sure she would have had words with him. Why are there so many idiots on the roads these days? Thats why I will never leave my Corvette alone for a second.