Featured NOVEL SOLUTION TO C8 STALLED PRODUCTION (your input is needed)

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OK so I'm up to 13 applicants so far, who have contacted me personally. All of them realized my mistake in the original posting, where I said no applicants under 50 need apply, whereas I meant to say over 50 (as pointed out by ddgermann; thanks) so everyone is indeed under 50 which is great! There's even one person fluent in Spanish. Gracias Amigo!

Some weird questions from a few of the applicants, such as whether they'll receive free hand sanitizer, if their current employment benefit plans will continue to apply when they're down in the States or Mexico, if their pet dog can join them on the production line, if Elon Musk can take them to planet Zercon on the next SpaceX, and whether they should update their wills given the COVID risk. Don't worry, I'm working on a response to all such questions and will contact each person individually with answers, in due course.

With this pending workforce, this idea now has a better chance of becoming a reality! I'll keep everyone posted as to new developments and for anyone sitting on the fence, now's the time to dive in! Why wait when you're just sitting at home doing nothing?? I'm already more optimistic and looking forward to driving my 2020 C8 convertible!! :Cheers2:
Good thinking SN-III!! But I'm thinking a new shirt redesign for any CCF participants, which will not only promote the CCF where the idea started, but also emphasize our "Canuck" presence in both Kentucky and Mexico.

One possibility is:

[CCF logo]
I helped CRE8 my own C8 and it was GRE8!
Bowling Green, U.S.A. 2020

[C8 photo]

For people working in Mexico, substitute "Monterray, Mexico 2020" for the Bowling Green reference, assuming that's where the Spanish speaking participants will end up in Mexico. And the C8 color on the shirt should match the color of the participant's actual C8.

Any other suggestions are welcomed. Keep these great ideas coming!
Good thinking SN-III!! But I'm thinking a new shirt redesign for any CCF participants, which will not only promote the CCF where the idea started, but also emphasize our "Canuck" presence in both Kentucky and Mexico.

One possibility is:

[CCF logo]
I helped CRE8 my own C8 and it was GRE8!
Bowling Green, U.S.A. 2020

[C8 photo]

For people working in Mexico, substitute "Monterray, Mexico 2020" for the Bowling Green reference, assuming that's where the Spanish speaking participants will end up in Mexico. And the C8 color on the shirt should match the color of the participant's actual C8.

Any other suggestions are welcomed. Keep these great ideas coming!

Here's a friendly suggestion. When you order up the shirts for the Mexico contingent, perhaps spell Monterrey correctly.... lol.....
As a former Chrysler assembly plant worker, (maintenance supervisor), one obstacle to this plan is that you will need to bring in MANY UAW workers to train the newbies. 3 days work training newbies will interfere with their unemployment benefits. The UAW would NEVER allow it. Not to put anyone down, but a plant of newbies with 3 days training but virtually NO experience means quality is in the toilet. It's great to toss ideas into the ring but this ain't gonna fly. But feel free to continue to entertain us.
Here's an idea: if we can get the United Auto Workers Union on side and perhaps it'll be more inclined to do this, since it continues to avoid exposing their workers to any COVID-19 risk, how about:

1) take all expectant C8 owners who are now out of a job, currently at home and in need of something to do, and want to participate in a voluntary once-in-a-liftime experience;
2) each volunteer agree to commit to a minimum of 1 month, or until Bowling Green resumes its normal operations, whichever comes first, plus give at least one option to renew the agreement for that same month;
3) each volunteer and his/her spouse or significant other, sign an iron-clad waiver where they can't sue GM for anything COVID-related, plus provide a recent (no older than 2 days) Doctor certificate confirming they are COVID-free, healthy and able to do some medium to heavy manual labour, and with none being under the age of 50 to better mitigate COVID's potential fatal consequences (notarized birth certificate required with all applications; sorry to you older C8 fans);
4) send them all down to Bowling Green with GM paying for their return transportation, plus room and board, plus return transportation from their place of residence to the plant. Each volunteer to be retested for COVID-19 upon arrival and again, at the end of the agreement before returning home. There would also have to be spot-checks periodically during each shift and each volunteer would of course have to immediately report any COVID-like symptoms. Perhaps each worker could have their temperature taken at the start and end of each shift as an additional precaution;
5) train them for individual tasks on the production line (2 or 3 days training???);
6) restart the plant with these "volunteers" (#4 above being their only "payment"), employing safe distancing and cleaning each station between individual workers;
7) GM to look after any COVID-related healthcare costs for these volunteers, if they can't make it back in time to Canada's healthcare system or properly access the Kentucky healthcare system, as the case may be;
8) start cranking out C8's, with added quality control attention for each phase of production, due to all these greenhorns putting C8's together.

As a start, we'll need these volunteers declared a "Corvette C8 essential service" to make the U.S. and Canada happy and be granted cross-border access. Is there anyone on these Forums who has the necessary background and skills to look into that aspect and start the paperwork?

It's a complete win-win: everyone stands a better chance of getting their 2020 C8...plus they'll not die of boredom sitting around at home, plus they lessen the (at a minimum for food) financial burden they're now creating at home, and they'll have a great story to tell their grandkids later when proudly looking at photos of their first C8 20 years from now. As well, GM will get much needed income and fewer complaints about C8 quality, when some of their audience is responsible for that quality.

I realize this plan will need a little tweaking here and there, so I invite your comments/contributions. As well, all those interested and who qualify age and health-wise, feel free to add your name as a volunteer to this posting...

You heard it here first folks. :cool:
No wait...let’s ask China to build them for us! Lol
Great plan. Unions should be outlawed. They simply slow things down to a crawl and drive the prices up on said products. Many companies do not have unions and function WAY better than their competitors that have unions in place. Useless bunch of people.
Great plan. Unions should be outlawed. They simply slow things down to a crawl and drive the prices up on said products. Many companies do not have unions and function WAY better than their competitors that have unions in place. Useless bunch of people.
Ya, thanks. I was in a union. They have their uses, but require a balance. You don't want sweat shops to reappear.
Ya, thanks. I was in a union. They have their uses, but require a balance. You don't want sweat shops to reappear.
Agreed 100%. I was CAF (military) for much of my adult life, so obviously no unions, LOL. However, now that I've retired from the CAF and am working for the Fed government again as a civilian, I'm quite happy I have a profession union behind me (Technical engineers and scientists group), and for the most part, it works well for us.
I worked in a union shop for 35 years. They stuck up for the lazy and got people their jobs back when they were fired for just reasons like stealing, or assaulting another employee, or not showing up for work. They might have had their use years ago but now it's all about money for them.
Seriously you worked in the garment industry? They still have their uses. Some are certainly too powerful but don't lump them in with the sweat shops that would still exist and do in areas like China. Yes, I think that some of the auto worker unions are too powerful, but not all unions are like that.
Seriously you worked in the garment industry? They still have their uses. Some are certainly too powerful but don't lump them in with the sweat shops that would still exist and do in areas like China. Yes, I think that some of the auto worker unions are too powerful, but not all unions are like that.
Actually my first job ever was in the textile industry until China made it impossible to compete. So yeah that was in the garment industry. My 35 year tenure was in the abrasive industry. Both were union jobs and both sucked. There was no choice on whether you wanted to pay union dues or not. I have friends that work at Toyota and they refuse to let a union in and get paid just as much as a union shop. Whats your point?
Actually my first job ever was in the textile industry until China made it impossible to compete. So yeah that was in the garment industry. My 35 year tenure was in the abrasive industry. Both were union jobs and both sucked. There was no choice on whether you wanted to pay union dues or not. I have friends that work at Toyota and they refuse to let a union in and get paid just as much as a union shop. Whats your point?
Do you honestly think Toyota would pay nearly as well and have the same benefits if the UAW plants didn’t exist? Not looking to argue with you at all, just a fair question. I think most would agree that the UAW is far too powerful and has very predatory behaviour in general, not to mention political interference. However, corporations cannot be trusted to treat their employees well or “do the right thing” unless coerced. This has been shown time and time again throughout history.
Whats your point?
My point is you are out of touch if you think that all unions are powerful and that there are not still people in industry that are under paid and over worked and would benefit from a union. Why is there a minimum wage? I was in a union and never made a pay increase to inflation in 40 years! All the gains I made were through hard work and personal growth. Lumping all unions in the same basket is just not correct. Anyway, lets not argue about it any more. You have your opinion and I have mine. I'm not even sure how this thread was not shut down long ago.
This has been an interesting thread. I’ve been enjoying people’s point of views. I think, I’m going to start another along the same theme.

Or better still…
LIBERAL or CONSERVATIVE? (Your input is needed).

oh and once this has been beaten to death, we’ll discuss Mustang or Corvette!
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Perhaps it would be better to start a new thread instead.

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