These are very good points you make in regard to the actual cost vs the depreciation alone in trading up, across on these cars especially in the first 2 years. We have all suffered through the misery of paying interest on cars we want or worse yet need. Back in those days there wasn’t any choice for me.
I’ve been fortunate enough through hard work and likely plain stubbornness to be able to pay cash for the all the vehicles in the last number of years including 3 corvettes. I took a beating on each and every one of them at trade in time but the beatings were in the 20-50k range so it was not nearly as painful as the initial purchase. All 3 of our vehicles are owned 100% by us... not any bank.
I suppose the way I look at it is the corvette is a depreciating asset that requires a fairly quick turnover to minimize the losses if you want to always be driving one that’s on warranty.
This retained value is maximized by maximum trim level, reasonable mileage, no performance modifications and a full appreciation that all cosmetic stuff is money thrown away in trade value. The thought on the cosmetic stuff was to pull it off and reinstall the factory stuff. Then install the mods on the new car. Ya... that’s not going to work for the movement to the C8.
My current 17 Z06 was to have a garage life of 1 year and be traded for a C7ZR1 this year but the insanity in the prices of these cars this year simply made that a foolish venture for what improvements the car actually has over my Z06. It would have cost me 100k or more to do it. So I kept the Z06 and wasted a bunch of $ on cosmetics instead. In my world it was just too much of a difference in price. For others no and good on them as I can only imagine how great that car is to drive.
What’s all of this about? Happiness. Getting that first one paid out at purchase time or very quickly opens up the possibility of retaining all the money wasted on interest to be used on a quicker trade or sale where more value can be retained thus allowing you to stay in a new car and not be making payments. It’s managed loss at that point and pumps pure joy into your soul. Even in the winter for you
@flyboy999 which is more than a little bit cool
to see.
Maybe when I’m old, poor and eating spam from a can taking about the glory days... I will at least have a story.
I saw Chucks departure from YouTube. Both his cars gone too. Seems weird how he did that I agree as he could have got some huge mileage out of selling his cars and his departure but suddenly his cars were gone and so is he. Does make one wonder. Looks like he was set up pretty well and has some kind of mechanical business going but ya maybe he got in kind of deep. Or maybe he genuinely got a great opportunity and had to move on. Who knows. Likely the story will come out.
I like Chuck. Positive guy and quite practical vs that streetspeed guy.