New for 19 Maguiar’s hybrid ceramic wax. Spray on wash off.

Hey Casual, it is (was) not my intention to be harsh against Meguiars and I don't want it to be construed that way. I love their products and was very interested in trying the Hybrid Ceramic Wax but was merely put off after watching this video so I simply shared it to help educate the consumer (us) before being dissatisfied with the purchase, especially with that ridiculous Canadian price tag. Personally, and in an unbiased opinion, I believe the individual posting the video has some very valid points and we'll have to wait and see if Meguiars decides to respond, explain, or refute his claims. Like I said in my last post, and I in no way meant for it to be cruel but, "Judge for yourself."
Hey Casual, it is (was) not my intention to be harsh against Meguiars and I don't want it to be construed that way. I love their products and was very interested in trying the Hybrid Ceramic Wax but was merely put off after watching this video so I simply shared it to help educate the consumer (us) before being dissatisfied with the purchase, especially with that ridiculous Canadian price tag. Personally, and in an unbiased opinion, I believe the individual posting the video has some very valid points and we'll have to wait and see if Meguiars decides to respond, explain, or refute his claims. Like I said in my last post, and I in no way meant for it to be cruel but, "Judge for yourself."

And thank you for bringing it to our attention. He just seemed rather harsh and excessive regarding the MSDS data sheet for the SiO2. Meguiars is a large enough company, and especially with their long history in a chemical based industry, that they wouldn't be so absent minded as to error on their MSDS data sheets. That's what really had me scratching my head, so I followed the link back to YouTube, saw and read the comments related to this video and got a totally different view of the situation, especially his miss leading comments regarding the MSDS data sheet for the SiO2. Not sure if I was surprised, or I expected it, when I read that it appears that the fellow who made the video is associated with a business that is in competition with Meguiars.
As you have also posted, I also am fully open to everyone to "Judge for yourself". It's just that most people who watch a re-directed video don't usually follow it back to its source and review the comments.
Here's hoping that come spring this product will be more readily available in Canada, and at a more reasonable price, so we can see for ourselves. Happy 'C7' cruising this summer...... Again, thank you for bringing this video to our attention.
Before you become too harsh against Meguiars due to the comments on this video, I suggest you follow the link for this video back to YouTube and read the comments, especially those concerning SiO2, seems to be quite a discrepancy regarding his comments regarding the MSDS data sheet and what other people are finding when 'they' download the MSDS report. Also, it appears that the gentleman doing this video has a personal interest/concern regarding this product.
Marketing 101: the paint on the C7 is amazing: wash and wax with Meguiars ultimate liquid car wax - period!! Save your money for a case of wine - LOL:Party:
Almost out of my Hi-Tech Yellow 'M26' paste, have been really happy with the end results but proves to be a little time consuming when you have multiple vehicles to do a couple of times a year. Will probably aim towards the ceramic if it becomes readily available in Canada this summer, at a reasonable price, if not for sure will be going with the Ultimate Liquid.
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Meguiar’s Hybrid Ceramic Wax is now available at Canadian Tire at $21.99 for the 26 oz bottle. A very reasonable price when compared to the $14.99 USD at most retail stores south of the border, and a definite improvement over the up to $60 CDN that a number of Canadian suppliers are charging. For those that are interested you can check store availability using CTC’s product number 039-6554-6
In my experience the Xpel protection is very good. Rock chip protection on the vulnerable areas would not be as good with ceramic alone as the chips would still happen and make it through to the paint layer. This would be especially prominent on the wider back quarters in front of the rear wheels. This area takes a beating. Haven’t done the like for like test but not willing to test this theory on my black car. The Expel gets marked up but does heal up to a large degree over time. Can’t see a ceramic standing up to this.
The trade off is the lines of the clear bra on the car. I am really getting to dislike this.
My car looks like a couch from the 50s with the plastic cover on the cushions. Yuk.
I think I got carried away with the Xpel and should have wrapped the entire car, which would have cost a fortune. Next time to do it properly for me; wrap will be just the front clip, side shirts and rear quarter vulnerable places done. No wrap on the hood as the line across it with half done bugs me. Then a high end ceramic on the entire car. Not sure if the ceramic should go on first or after the wrap but that will likely be definitively answered here soon enough.

So for me guys there is merit and advantages with both protection systems and after owning 3 Z06s, a thoughtful combination is what I’m going after next time.

Got my car full wrap except the rear with taillights

included everything else air vents in the grill, canards and so on. On a z06. For 3 grand taxpaid. Expel ultra or whatever the new name is
Got my car full wrap except the rear with taillights

included everything else air vents in the grill, canards and so on. On a z06. For 3 grand taxpaid. Expel ultra or whatever the new name is
:Worthlesswopics: (replace "this thread" with "this post"........or it didnt happen......:thumbs:
Meguiar’s Hybrid Ceramic Wax is now available at Canadian Tire at $21.99 for the 26 oz bottle. A very reasonable price when compared to the $14.99 USD at most retail stores south of the border, and a definite improvement over the up to $60 CDN that a number of Canadian suppliers are charging. For those that are interested you can check store availability using CTC’s product number 039-6554-6

I use and like the product...that is a good price in CDN dollars.
Meguiar’s Hybrid Ceramic Wax is now available at Canadian Tire at $21.99 for the 26 oz bottle. A very reasonable price when compared to the $14.99 USD at most retail stores south of the border, and a definite improvement over the up to $60 CDN that a number of Canadian suppliers are charging. For those that are interested you can check store availability using CTC’s product number 039-6554-6
I was off to town so I thought I would get some. Checked online to see how many my store had. There is 0 inventory period, anywhere. Can't order it online either. They flat out don't have any. They label it a 'Hot Sale'. Hmmm.
Is this the stuff?

Yup. That's the stuff. 0 inventory west of Ontario. I don't get it. And if there is 0 inventory on the Canadian Tire Website, how does Ontario have it?WTF? Over. I did a quick check. It seems like I have to drive to North Bay, ON. Dryden, Kenora and Ft. Francis don't have any.
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