Need new battery? Advice on brands please.

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2005 C6 LS2
Hey everyone,
I have an 05 automatic Vette, and love it. :)
I disconnect the battery every winter and reconnect without any issues. 2 weeks ago I took it out of storage and for the first week it was fine, but then as of last week the battery would not start the car and this happened 3 times already. Each time I'd boost it and stick it on the charger over night...then a few days later, again with the click click click.
Time for a new battery.

I have a Parts Source right down the street from me and they say the recommended battery for my 05 is the Exide Performance 86. They also have the 90, but say the 86 is what my car calls for.
Anyone have any feedback on this battery?
I've seen a lot of people suggest the Delco 90, but that's not something Parts Source carries, but if its the one to go with then I'll get it where ever they do sell it.
I'm sick of the battery going down if I park the car for a week and dont put it in the charger. I need a better solution that's less of a hassle.

Thanks again everyone!

Battery Life

I've almost exclusively used Delco batteries and have gotten 7-8 years out of them. A couple of years ago, I started using battery maintainers in the hope that they will prevent sulfation of the plates in the batteries. If the batteries survive beyond the 7-8 years, then I will know that the maintainers are worth the money. I just like the look of a Delco battery in a GM vehicle. Not much of an excuse but the prices are more or less the same except for some of these wildly priced aftermarket specialty batteries.
One thing that I have been told is to get the highest CCA rated battery that will fit in the car. The computers get fuzzy brained if the battery drops below a certain point while under load such as when starting the car.
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Thanks Keith. I see we're both in Ontario. Any idea where I can get the Delco? I'm trying to find a distributor in Ontario but no luck yet.

....I agree a Delco is a good battery. I recently made the same decision, what battery to buy for my 82. I went with a Optima redtop. Dual post so easy to hook a trickle charger on it if needed, and the fact it will never leak is what I like cause where the battery sits I just don't like the idea of a acid box sitting in the car. Plus the optima are suppose to be stronger and rebound better if ever drained, we'll see over time. Go to a GM dealer for the delco.
One more thing, and probably a stupid question but I've never replaced a battery it really just as simple as removing the Pos/Neg bolts from the battery...pulling out the old one and placing the new one in...reattaching it and away we go, or is there more to it?

David best to remove the negative cable first when removing the battery. Install the negative cable last on the new battery.

Check the case very carefully for any leaks or discolouration prior to putting the new battery in the car.
There is a Battery hold down bolt located down in the front center of the battery
You guys rock, seriously...thank you.
OK the lock bolt was a pain to remove but I got it out.
Just finished installing the new battery and the car fired up right away.
Couldn't have done it without your help folks. :canada:

I stuck with the's a pic of the original battery that was in the car:

And here's the new one:

I can only assume that I'll still be attaching the battery to the charger if I park it more than a few days, as I always have in the past...right?

I've never done this before so I'm feeling pretty good about myself right now. ...time for a beer. :coolgleam: LOL

...the new one is 650 cold cranking amps, the old was 590, so you have a stronger battery now. No reason to hook up a charger every few days now. Unless you have something that is draining it like a light that is on all the time. Not sure what your car has for a glove box etc, but won't hurt to see if it has a light in it that goes on / off when you open the door. I've seen this happen with under hood or trunk lights that are stuck on all the time and will drain the battery quickly. GM Factory battery cable ends don't always fit a jobber battery posts well, so you did the right thing and stick with a delco battery.
Xfire it is not that simple on these cars. While I agree there could be an issue with a specific electrical component these cars have what seems to be a constant draw on the battery. Nothing left on they just self discharge the battery, sometimes quickly.

Battery Tender is your best friend with any late model Corvette.

Nice job David. Kick back it is now beer time.
Xfire it is not that simple on these cars. While I agree there could be an issue with a specific electrical component these cars have what seems to be a constant draw on the battery. Nothing left on they just self discharge the battery, sometimes quickly.

Battery Tender is your best friend with any late model Corvette.

Nice job David. Kick back it is now beer time.

Agreed Murray -- apparently there are many live circuits that the battery has to deal with constantly in these newer cars. This can cause severe drain in a short time.

A battery tender is your friend.

Just for reference I keep mine on tender all the time. That's not necessary but I like it topped up every time I drive.
A full charge-up every couple weeks would probably suffice.

Works for me.

Hmmmm, thanks 4 educating me on this , as I've never owned something this new to deal with such a issue. My reaction if known earlier, would of been to suggest getting a 1000 amp or more battery that would fit in there and thus have alot more jam when sitting long periods of time. Or get a battery disconnect switch, they even make ones that are remote controlled now. Don't understand why any memory circuit should draw so much power over a short period of time. Sounds like GM should of used a dual battery setup with a isolator.
Just a quick update here...
Car runs like a dream. It really roars when I start it up now. Absolutely a massive difference there.
Question about indexing the windows? Yes, I had to do that and reset the clock.
Couldn't have done this without you all so once again a big thanks!

David, just a thought. I don't think there are too many C-6's that don't have a problem with the under the hood light. Sneak out in the garage on night and see if the floor under the car is not lit up. It's a mercury switch and they're quite temperamental. Mines disconnected too and it's easy thing to do. Just follow the wire down from the light and it goes to a plug at the bottom of the rad. You can unplug it there and your troubles may be over.
David, just a thought. I don't think there are too many C-6's that don't have a problem with the under the hood light. Sneak out in the garage on night and see if the floor under the car is not lit up. It's a mercury switch and they're quite temperamental. Mines disconnected too and it's easy thing to do. Just follow the wire down from the light and it goes to a plug at the bottom of the rad. You can unplug it there and your troubles may be over.

Hey Rob,
That's actually very interesting and please clarify this for me because I've got my car here in the warehouse right now and it's dark...are you saying that it's possible that the under hood light 'could' be on even when the car is off and parked, thus draining the battery?
Sorry, just not sure what I should be looking for exactly. I get your instructions on how to disconnect it...but before I do that....:banghead:

Kudos for the suggestion.

You could always have a switch wired in just to make sure that the light is off when you want it to be off. At least you would still have a light when you needed one. I've had no drain problems even after the car has sat for two weeks but things can go wrong and it's nice to have an idea as to where to look. With batteries in these cars, from what I have read, the more CCA the better when buying a battery. The computer is much happier that way at start up time.
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