Need another insurance company for home and cars

My neighbour pays extraordinarily inexpensive insurance rates and when I looked into it, it's because he's with a brokerage that sells only "commercial lines" of insurance. So they deal with business owners/companies. He used to have a business but sold it to retire. They "grandfathered" him and continued to sell him insurance, in spite of him being retired. I mention all this, since anyone having a business should look into joining that insurance with your vehicle and other "personal" needs as well (ie. home), since it may allow you access to great rates!
I am in the process of switching now, going with CAA insurance to cover all the cars and house. With specifics on the ZR1 I keep my 43 endorsement for another 5 more 10k deductible down to a more reasonable $2500 and keep the $9XX.XX for the year on the policy. Win.

More coverage on the house, and the 2 regular cars too with less premium.
My broker is TSG (in Calgary) and the policy is with Intact Insurance. Not sure how the rates in Alberta (Edmonton area) would compare with those in the GTA.

They don't compare. Ontario and BC I believe pay the highest rates for car insurance...............more so in the GTA area. I wish I was paying rates like some of you that live outside of a major metropolitan city.
Hey Tony, I totally feel your frustration! Insurance companies can be so unpredictable sometimes. I remember when my rates suddenly skyrocketed for no apparent reason. However, I recently switched to Surex brokerage for my home and auto insurance, and they've been great so far. Here's a link to their website: ( I hope it helps!

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