*Name A Cover Song That You Like More Than The Original?!!?*

Here's a few more.

There's a punk cover of the procalImers "500" miles that is miles better than the original, which is also a good song.

Kate Bush's "running up that Hill" don't hold a candle to the one by Rubber Band.

I like Nickelback's Saturday Night's All Right For Fighting, but the original is also masterful.

The best suspicious minds cover was never mentioned, the country version by Dwight Yokam!!

Light my fire by massive attack is really interesting, but it's so radically different than the doors, that it is not for everyone.

Pearl Jam covers Neil Young's "keep on rocking in the free world" pretty well. At least as good as the great original.

Mad world by tears for fears trumps that of gary Jules.

Perfect circle does a genius cover of imagine, from John Lennon

I don't know who did the original, but the soggy bottom boys sand man of constant sorrow. It's a great bluegrass tune.

Nirvanas man who sold the world?? > than that of David Bowie, 10x out of 10.

Koran does another brick in the wall, one of my favourite songs, and it is comparable to pink Floyd's, but not quite.

Land of confusion by disturbed makes a crappy original by Phil Collins sound really good, and aggressive. Love it.

This is all I can think of now--I have done a lot of DJing in the past, so my tastes are eclectic, and I am working from a rusty memory here. Feel free to check any of these out on YouTube and tell me your thoughts.

ALL time worst cover is is sweet dreams by Marilyn Manson.......
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