Hey guys,
I've noticed that my fuel gauge is working fine most of the time, but once it's down to 1/8 on the gauge, the next day when I start up the car it will read empty and will say low fuel.
I also lose a bit of fuel on the gauge readings (about 1/16 or a tick on the gauge) between what the gauge reads when I get home from work, parking the car in the garage and the next morning when I start it up to drive to work. That seems a bit excessive as that implies theoretically if i just start the car 16-20 times i would run out of fuel!
My question is, I know it's not nearly as bad as some of the experiences other members have had with the fuel gauge here and I understand that this appears to be a common problem with C5 fuel gauges but is this a sign of worse to come or can I safely just ignore it? Will this techron stuff I keep reading about cure the issue?
PS. Since I've owned the car (1.5 months) I've been exclusively using Shell V-Power 91 octane, I'm not sure if that makes a difference but I don't really have any brand loyalty (I've tried Shell V-Power, Esso 91, Sunoco 94 and Petro 94, after they bought out Sunoco and don't really notice any difference between the products) so if another gas station works, I'm more than will to try.
Thanks for all the help!