Mobile 1 Supercar 0W40 Group buy

Not sure it is any different but the manual for the 2023 C8 says Dexos R. I have no idea if "R" and "2" are the same or different.
My 2020 manual on page 296 says this.


And page 221

Looks like a 2023 change. This is from page 315 of the 2023 manual.

Engine oil meeting the dexosR specification of the proper SAE viscosity grade. Mobil 1 dexosR full synthetic is recommended. See Engine Oil (5.5L LT6 Engine) 0 242 or
Engine Oil (6.2L LT2 Engine) 0 245.

Page 245 states the same for the 6.2l engine. Interesting that the 5.5 litre in the Z06 is ok for 5w30 but the 6.2 is 0w40 only. Both indicate Dexos R.
Not sure it is any different but the manual for the 2023 C8 says Dexos R. I have no idea if "R" and "2" are the same or different.
From another forum
Oct 3, 2022 — Only one oil is listed under the dexos R spec, the Mobil 1 Supercar 0W40. Folks on the forum said that the dexos R is just repackaged dexos 2.
Got mine from on the USA side. About $13/L CAD including free shipping. ( to my US address). You ON, QC border folk can do that too.

So too can the 1 guy in the maritimes who owns a C8.
Advance Auto… MOBIL ESP/SUPERCAR sale. For any Lower mainland C8 owners get it shipped to Blaine, WA. For me 10 minute drive from my home across the border for pick up. Works out to approximately $10.50/ quart


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