Rruuff Day

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Power User
Aug 30, 2014
I was told something today that, even in this modern changing, this was a new one on me.
My wife came home from an appointment today and she related to me something she was told by the professional she met with. The school her middle age son goes to supposedly has a growing population of students that associate themselves with animals (mostly with cats it seems) and call themselves Furries. To the point (and I still think this is BS), that the school has supposedly installed a litter box in one of it's gender neutral bathrooms. A little Goggle research and sure enough. Furries seems to be the next whatever you want to call it coming into popularity. The litter box in schools has been claimed numerous times, especially in the US, but the schools involved have always denied it so this may be BS as well. I certainly hope so.

If you or someone you know associates themselves with cats or whatever, none of this is intended as judgmental. I'm just curious if many heard of this and I'm just way out of touch with the world today
I was told something today that, even in this modern changing, this was a new one on me.
My wife came home from an appointment today and she related to me something she was told by the professional she met with. The school her middle age son goes to supposedly has a growing population of students that associate themselves with animals (mostly with cats it seems) and call themselves Furries. To the point (and I still think this is BS), that the school has supposedly installed a litter box in one of it's gender neutral bathrooms. A little Goggle research and sure enough. Furries seems to be the next whatever you want to call it coming into popularity. The litter box in schools has been claimed numerous times, especially in the US, but the schools involved have always denied it so this may be BS as well. I certainly hope so.

If you or someone you know associates themselves with cats or whatever, none of this is intended as judgmental. I'm just curious if many heard of this and I'm just way out of touch with the world today
True story. Happening here as well. Confirmed by some of my staff who have kids in the school.
Confusious said "May you live in interesting times". Not sure if that's a blessing or a curse. I suggest its the result of AI , which supposedly is going to do all of our thinking. However, their brains don't stop and to keep the brain active they come up with something wacky.
  • Wow
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Geez … Kids (or middle age son in school in this case) with even a hint of referring themselves as “Zazzles” would likely be an all in excuse for the 18 hour sleep-day.
Thinking the “fed emergency act” may have to be invoked for “who let the dogs out … who,who,who,who, who” 😂
I can see it all now. Just waiting for a parent to post the picture of their child's graduation class ceremony. Where did the world go terribly wrong. :(

I can see it all now. Just waiting for a parent to post the picture of their child's graduation class ceremony. Where did the world go terribly wrong. :(

When people started to read books and listen to shrinks on how best to raise children. There was a start of a major culture shift after that of the "child is the most important thing" when in reality they are no more or no less important than the rest of the family members. And then we moved into the participation medal era where it made the "feelings" of everyone more important than anything else. And here we are.
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