Sep 3, 2010
2006, base
Friday 8th found me visiting the 'man cave' of a well known guy in Cambridge. Reason..was to install vararam intake onto my '06 base convertable.All went well until in his general check of the engine compartment, Manny found that not only did the crankshaft pulley go round
and around, it also moved in a horizontal manner, not good !! The original
plan was to next add headers, to the car; but I figured the pulley was
of greater importance.

So..I'm back today for Manny to install a 25% under drive pulley to
replace the OE pulley. Said item, metal, was made in Australia ! All is now
well and final check of the engine compartment did not uncover any
items needing attention ! Another 'happy' car.
The drive back to Welland was, fortunately, uneventful. So another
250km round trip accomplished in great weather, so who's complaining !
And while at Manny's we had 5 'vet' owners drop in for a chat. Great way
to spend the day, while someone else does the work.[g]

Thanks Manny, Tony
YEPPIR! That's the place to go and that's the guy you want working on your vette! Stopped there today, ended up getting a new oil pressure sending unit installed, and some stainless steel brake lines put on as well - I was going to buy them and save it for an afternoon project, but I figured, what the heck, I think he set a new record of 35 mins changing the sending unit! Another hour for the brake lines.....
Thanks Manny!
YEPPIR! That's the place to go and that's the guy you want working on your vette! Stopped there today, ended up getting a new oil pressure sending unit installed, and some stainless steel brake lines put on as well - I was going to buy them and save it for an afternoon project, but I figured, what the heck, I think he set a new record of 35 mins changing the sending unit! Another hour for the brake lines.....
Thanks Manny!

Dan always a pleasure to see you and Ileen .

[email protected]
The weather in S.Ontario is strongly suggesting that its time to put the 'vette
in the garage for winter.
Have enjoyed the past 4 months, with some 5000 + km. Car, '06 base, has
behaved well.
A question....when going slowly, 5km/hr, and turning left, get a grating
noise from the rear. Manny can't see anything regarding the suspension
etc. Shouldn't be the rear axle drive shafts as the dealer replaced these before I took possesion.
Anyone have any suggestions ?? Right hand turns seem fine, and I can't hear
anything at higher speeds.[g].

Thanks, Tony
Brake caliper sliding over and touching the disc? Slower speeds it may be slow enough to hear where if you're going faster, it just skims along the surface? Just a total shot in the dark. Could it be that kind of a noise or is it loud?
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