Is Borla exhaust good for C7 grand sport


Casual User
2019 grand sport cor
I want to put a Borla exhaust on a 2019 grand sport corvette what advice do you guys give me
Borla will have rumble, but it will also drone. Guaranteed. Anyone who tells you otherwise it is just not true.

Top 3 CB systems by popularity for the C7 are Corsa, AWE and Borla in my opinion, and that is not in order by any means.

If you have the money, Akra makes a real nice setup.

AWE is the classic sound and price is not bad, Corsa is more exotic and costs more $$
Exhaust drone is really nasty, every exhaust option seems to have it, you can even catch the stock exhaust droning sometimes before the valves shut.

GM made the right decision for once in their life by shutting the car up when it coasts.
Drone is also very subjective. If your used to quite cars you will notice it. If your used to aftermarket stuff then not so much even a muffler on any full size truck. My C6 had long tubes, catless x pipe then pipes out the back., THAT droned. When I bought my C7 I installed M2W first thing and could barley hear it on the hwy at any rpm I was really disappointed, I had to add a catless x pipe it was so quiet. Huge plus on these cars is the NPP, its great that aftermarket platforms support that feature. You can manually set in or just get M2W. Really helps on cold starts early in the morning.
Exhaust drone is really nasty, every exhaust option seems to have it, you can even catch the stock exhaust droning sometimes before the valves shut.

GM made the right decision for once in their life by shutting the car up when it coasts.

Corsa is the one brand I feel has zero to very, very minimal drone. Everything else there is some degree of drone I agree, and like Canuck said it becomes subjective at that point in what one can tolerate. I love my cars loud, but my DDs need to be quiet, and it just comes down to personal taste.

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