If you like your inside front windshield clean...... you need this!

Derek, I think sending each member a couple to try then we can write a technical report on their effectiveness would be a nice touch. Will pm my address.:D:thumbs:

Where did you get them from?
Derek, I think sending each member a couple to try then we can write a technical report on their effectiveness would be a nice touch. Will pm my address.:D:thumbs:

Where did you get them from?

Look at les’s post #2 Murray. He put a link in there. Seems like a good company. Delivered to the door in a week. They are on sale now as well. I got 20 big ones for $160 CAD. Well 19 now.
Haven’t tried them yet as my car is still covered up in deep hibernation.

My mother in law fought one off me so my hand outs on these are done. :Biggrin:
Look at les’s post #2 Murray. He put a link in there. Seems like a good company. Delivered to the door in a week. They are on sale now as well. I got 20 big ones for $160 CAD. Well 19 now.
Haven’t tried them yet as my car is still covered up in deep hibernation.

My mother in law fought one off me so my hand outs on these are done. :Biggrin:


I got the same ones but not as many as you... if they are good maybe will get more.


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