Ideas and Suggestions


We are only as good as our ability to deliver a quality site. I encourage you to PM us with your ideas and suggestions on how we can continue to improve on this and make it a premier site. Let us know your thoughts.

My $0.02:

"create a technical articles archive" who is going to "archive" the "articles"?,, and when does that person know the thread is closed?,, and does that person know that it is a technical article?,, the search/sort functionality, what is it?, how does it work?, auto designation?, manual?, does that person know what generation to assign?,,,, and on and on and on.

I think there's too many variables,,, once the club gets enough members, split it into generations as suggested.
Personally, I have no interest in C4's, 5's, 6's,,, whatever the latest designation is now. If I did, I would have bought one.

If people want to interact, absolutely we should be able to, but I shouldn't have to sift through that on my way to tech questions/answers.

I don't know what the right answer is,, what I do know is I like specific area's for specific functions.

I'd say that to keep the interaction going that we leave the forum as is and create a technical articles archive my generation of corvette after the threads are closed... that way everyone still interacts AND the historical information is quick and easily sorted...

Just my $0.02
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Once we get enough members where we are unable to sift through the threads, then we'll look at adding sections for each generation. Whether that is limited to just tech articles, I don't know, or if it includes performance and cosmetics, etc, we'll see what happens.
How hard would it be to include a "Modifications/Upgrades" section under each of the members "About Me" tab? Sometimes the distinction between a members post and his/her vehicle information can get conjested. This would get rid of reading repetitive information on members posts and make reading them easier on the eyes.
How hard would it be to include a "Modifications/Upgrades" section under each of the members "About Me" tab?

Done. Go to: UserCP>Edit Your Details and you can fill it in at the bottom of the page. It is viewable by anyone visiting your profile page! :coolgleam:
We should restrict selling to corvette related items as there is flee bay craigs list and others to sell those items! That are not corvette related Why use bandwidth space and turn this totally into another annoing Craigs list
Any way of making changes so that any videos posted will play right in the thread instead of taking you to another site?

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