You mis-spelled Shi....oh, I get it. You're avoiding the moderators. Hahaha. Well, nothing we can do about those guys. Just enjoy yourself here....I hope you are enjoying yourself, and hopefully we will grow to have enough members, with great attitudes, to make this the place where everyone wants to be.
One sec Les. I just read post #4. I understand you are choked and need to vent, but maybe we can turn it down a notch to a 7 or so. If you are pissed about something, of course you should be able to post it, but we also want this place to be a positive place for people to escape to. It's a balancing act between letting people say what they like so they can freely express themselves and trying to make sure we don't offend people as well. Maybe we should have a rant section, not where absolutely anything goes, but if people are mad about something, they can voice their opinion.
One sec Les. I just read post #4. I understand you are choked and need to vent, but maybe we can turn it down a notch to a 7 or so. If you are pissed about something, of course you should be able to post it, but we also want this place to be a positive place for people to escape to. It's a balancing act between letting people say what they like so they can freely express themselves and trying to make sure we don't offend people as well. Maybe we should have a rant section, not where absolutely anything goes, but if people are mad about something, they can voice their opinion.

Well said. Never met you, but you sound like a very reasonable guy. :cool:
Can I swear like this?


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