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How long after delivery, was car available for pickup

Why not take a run over to the dealer and see if all is ok with it.

My sense is that the "norm" is usually a couple days to get the car PDI done. It can be faster or sometimes a bit slower but 8 days is fairly slow. And yes as Murray said there's often one person selected to go over the new Corvettes so if you're in a small dealership that's received several new C8's (I see another in your photos; along with an earlier generation) it could take longer. You may want to ask if the other C8 owner is picking up his car after you and if so, ask they do yours first? Regardless, you're one of the fortunate people who HAVE (or soon will have) a C8. Congrats!
Reactions: DenisC8
polish the C8? I say tell them NOT to do it and maybe not wash it either. That`s what I did and did my own wash and polish later.
NEVER have the dealer wash you car !!!!!!!!
There were enough scratches from the handling and factory.
Also ask them to show you the Prep worksheet as mine , btw, refused to do so. I have not set foot in that dealership since then and using another for service.
My car came off the truck at 8am, I picked it up at 2pm the same day.
I let the lot kids take it out overnight. They said they would wash it before delivery. They took better care of my car than I do...
Mine took a week, 3 vettes dropped on the same day. I was in no rush to take delivery as the weather is crappy here lately. It was just finished its coating, PPF and tint Friday but it never stops raining. Hopefully have it Wednesday.
No ,mine arrived on tuesday got dealer preped and ceramic coated was ready on friday picked it up on saturday .Check how many km on it if more 15 start asking questions
No ,mine arrived on Tuesday got dealer prepped and ceramic coated was ready on Friday picked it up on Saturday. Check how many kms on it... if more 15 start asking questions
Mine arrived on Monday and will be delivered today (Thursday) at 14h00.
It was ready yesterday but we had heavy rain and we decided to postpone the delivery (by trailer) to today.
I want the car super clean as I will be adding a ceramic coating on it.
Less than 2 hours to wait...
Reactions: OL Yeller

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