Jan 26, 2009
Winnipeg Manitoba
2016 Corvette Z06
Z06 pricing was released in the States on August 22nd, here we are 2 months later and Canadians still have no clue about Z06 pricing. It can't be that difficult to assign pricing can it? Seriously what are they waiting for? Sit down hammer out a price and get the freaking ball rolling here.
I called GM today and encourage the rest of you to do the same so they get moving. When you call there is a prompt to inquire about your 2015 Corvette, I used that. Nice lady heard me out and asked if she could put me on hold and inquire for me. Response was "sir we're working on it".
Asked when they might decide and release pricing and she said they had no idea. They're not reinventing the wheel here, they have the US price someone should be able to decide in a day from that where to set the Canadian pricing.
I don't want to see my 2015 until April, even early May works for me, no point paying so I can just store it. I guess GM was really caught with their pants down on the popularity of the C7.

In reality, I am okay with a late April or May delivery so I do not have to sweat placing immediately into storage. It would just be nice to know when is all. The Live Chat folks either are telling the truth that they are not privy to actual production codes or are instructed not to divulge. Live Chat says GM has accepted my order (2000) - no further info available. Dealer info still shows me at 1100 [sigh]. Live Chat could be thinking that even 1100 means GM has accepted the order since there really is a 6 alpha order number assigned. [shrug] The plot sickens.
I don't want to see my 2015 until April, even early May works for me, no point paying so I can just store it. I guess GM was really caught with their pants down on the popularity of the C7.

I would find it hard to resist putting winter tires on it, so why be tempted.
While I am not thrilled with the title of this thread, I thought I will share with you all that the GM AutoBook update I got today did not offer pricing update for the 2015 Z06's.

On the bright side those who have already placed an order are ok not knowing the exact price and those who have not been able to place an order yet in hope of deciding on options after seeing prices will likely be getting a 2016 as the 2015 Z06's are now all sold (unless additional allocations become available in Jan/Feb).
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Sorry Jamali didn't mean to offend anyone, but one must admit after over 2 months since US pricing was released and still nothing for Canada, that is pretty lame.
I have 3 speculations all changed from any from my previous ones.

Base 1YZ to start at $90,495.00 ouch on this guess...
Allocation into Canada 173 of Z06's
Pricing out next week................
I guess....

$83900 base
28 initial allocations (already accounted for)
A second allocation dependent completely on unallocated US orders that will be late delivery orders. (We get leftovers).

Something that really confuses me in all of this is that the initial allocation was given to Canada before the US, as small as it was. I haven't got the history that some of you have but believe this might be a bit unusual and may be an indicator that there was originally a very small allocation planned.
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I guess....

$83900 base
28 initial allocations (already accounted for)
A second allocation dependent completely on unallocated US orders that will be late delivery orders. (We get leftovers).

Something that really confuses me in all of this is that the initial allocation was given to Canada before the US, as small as it was. I haven't got the history that some of you have but believe this might be a bit unusual and may be an indicator that there was originally a very small allocation planned.

I do hope you're more right on price then I am. The price I guessed is allowing 1:16% exchange rate which is close to current rates and allows a tiny bit of room should the dollar get worse. I've heard from a few sources that we will be getting way more then 28 initially. 28 would be a joke and an insult if that was true. I would suspect an upcoming C7 price as well. Good thing I'm protected...
Well, here's the thing... GM US introduced C7 pricing well in advance of the start of production, to allow NEW buyers to order early 2015 models. GM Canada waited several weeks, until production had actually started, before announcing C7 pricing for 2015. They realized that virtually all of the early 2015 allotment was going to go to fill unfilled 2014 orders, and gave those orders pricing protection.

GM US announced Z06 pricing well in advance of the start of production, to allow buyers to order early 2015 models. GM Canada will release Z06 pricing the week that production starts, more or less, because their extremely limited allocation means that pricing is less of an issue than allotment on this car, so they will wait until the last possible minute to decide pricing...

How lame can GM Canada be? Sometimes, pretty lame, but in this case it is simply smart business. I defy anyone in business to say that if they had the tiger by the tail the way GM Canada does at the moment with this product that they would rush to price it before they had to. Unless of course, you want them to announce a price far higher than they need to, just to make sure they don't go too low????

I don't believe there is a single buyer of a Z06 in Canada for 2015 that NEEDS to know the exact price 6 months before they receive their car. I don't believe there is a single prospective buyer of a Z06 in Canada that NEEDS to know the price of a 2015 Z06 at all, because they won't be getting one.

If you are fortunate enough to have an order with allocation for a 2015 Z06, you will be informed how much the car will cost, well in advance of you having to actually pay for it. You will be able to afford the price, or you shouldn't have ordered it. $2K, $3K, even $5K won't change the affordability or value equation of this car for anyone who has ordered it.

In my humble opinion, anyone whining about unavailable pricing 4-6 months before they can even optimistically expect to get their car(or worse yet who aren't even getting one) is, well, uh, lame..
Analytical and well thought out there ToVetteFan! Figure I will be driving by their on my way back this Spring just to say thank you for the help you offered awhile back!

I am curious though as Edmonton has a confirmed Z07 arriving iin the first run if I remember right... end Oct/early Nov... taking into account QC and travel of course. That was 3000 a few weeks back when it was avail for purch... That leaves hope for fall pricing... I also know of two confirmed BC Fall arrivals.
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In my humble opinion, anyone whining about unavailable pricing 4-6 months before they can even optimistically expect to get their car(or worse yet who aren't even getting one) is, well, uh, lame..


I ordered my '15 Z51 Coupe 2LT with NAV and NPP based on the '14 price guide. My bill of sale is stating I am paying for the NPP which will now be standard for Z51. I am not paying for the PDR that will increase the the NAV price according to my bill of sale. I have no idea whether the bill of sale price will reflect the actual invoice price. This means I have no idea if I am being ripped off or not by GM. Between the two options I mentioned, one may cancel the other and it will be a wash. I just don't know yet. I will pay the price presented but may have to negotiate with the dealer a bit if I think I am being played.

I ordered my '15 Z51 Coupe 2LT with NAV and NPP based on the '14 price guide. My bill of sale is stating I am paying for the NPP which will now be standard for Z51. I am not paying for the PDR that will increase the the NAV price according to my bill of sale. I have no idea whether the bill of sale price will reflect the actual invoice price. This means I have no idea if I am being ripped off or not by GM. Between the two options I mentioned, one may cancel the other and it will be a wash. I just don't know yet. I will pay the price presented but may have to negotiate with the dealer a bit if I think I am being played.

You are not being ripped off by GM in any way. Pricing on the car is negotiated between you and your dealer, simple.

You ordered a 2015 model, using 2014 pricing, and consider yourself being ripped off if the pricing is different? No offense, but give me a break. If you harboured any illusions that you would buy a 2015 for the same price as a 2014, then you were foolish or misled. Equipment has changed, and pricing has changed.

You will not, I am very comfortable in saying, accept the value of a 2014 model when you trade in your 2015, so why do you think GM or your dealer should sell it to you at that price? IF they have agreed to do so, then great for you, but if they haven't it is not because you are being ripped off, it is because your expectations were unrealistic.

This thread is referencing pricing on the Z06, not the Z51, that pricing has been out for months, and if you don't know yet what you are paying your dealer for the car, that is totally the fault of the dealer and the buyer, nothing to do with GM. Your price will be between $2500-3500 higher on the 2015, depending on whether you are getting an automatic or manual. I think, in fact, I told you that in a thread 2 months ago! ;-)
I ordered a 2015 in March of 2014 and was given 2014 pricing. The nav/pdr in 2015 pricing is about $2,200. The NPP is part of the z51 which is about $5,000.
The purchase price I was originally given inclusive of all the various fees, taxes and dealer items amounted to approx. a $3,000 difference, higher of course. I knew the price would go up come the 2015. If you want the z06, be prepared to pay whatever GM comes up with, otherwise someone else will. Supply and demand, little supply, big demand.
A 2015 2LT Z51 coupe, stick, with nav and standard exhaust, is $2990 more than the comparably priced 2014, with optional exhaust and navigation. If you want auto, add another $480 for the new transmission. All other option prices are the same, unless you go to a 3LT, which also went up a bit in 2015 because it now included the suede interior package.
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