Hey Riley, Your lights Blow

Some night shots of the car that totally did not work out. I need someone with a real camera.


And, the "Terminator Eyes" that still have to be properly prepped but I wanted to see how they look at night. I DO NOT have these on at anytime if on the street for obvious reasons. However, there are some areas in this country or the States where it is legal to drive with these on because it's a refracted light, not a direct light. I just don't feel like trying to argue that with an officer.:rofl:

They were bought from a member called theradioflyer on the US Corvette Forum. He did a great job on them. The picture is actually only with the halo rings on but as my cell can't really change the aperture to get it to the point where they clearly show. The lights themselves are bi-xenon projectors and with the wiring harness provided, all four stay on all the time. I'll get some night shots soon if I can convince silvervette to help me adjust them one more time.
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