Final Winter Project 2020-2021

Hey guys,

Thank you for all the kind words.

I finally finished assembling the car yesterday after almost 2 years. I installed the new Tom's 1541 rear axles that I had cadmium coated, performed a rear alignment, reinstalled the exhaust, and installed some heat shielding on the tops of the mufflers and by the leaf spring. I finished installing the interior along with the carbon fiber door inserts and custom door pulls that I made.

I added some heavy duty tie rod sleeves up front, replacement my old idler arm, then performed a front alignment.

I also finished up the engine bay and reinstalled my Lokar dip stick, carbon fiber air filter lid, and had to modify my wiper cover that I skinned in carbon fiber. Personally I like it more this way as I added weatherstripping to the front and sides of the wiper cover. It kind of seals up the area better this way and looks like a standard part.

I also got to start the car again again and it sounds amazing with the new exhaust that my buddy fabricated for me. Fairly subdue while idling but if you open the throttle it roars. Not super bassy and booming like my old exhaust that had cambered mufflers. I have a video on Facebook or Instagram if anyone wants to check it out:

I have a few little issues to sort out and it still needs to go for paint correction and have the PPF applied.

I really appreciate all of the support over the years. I hope everyone has enjoyed following along on this project.

Till next time

Jr. Corvette
Cody Allen

Now that all the hard work is done it is time to enjoy it. Fasten your seat belt and drive the hell out of it. Nothing out there will come close to what you have accomplished. Remember to look back over your shoulder when walking away in the parking lot. Yes, maybe twice! :) :) :)

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